Poe Chaos Dmg

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NO.3 PoE 3.3 Saboteur Build Preparing for Seismic Trap build After the announcement of the seismic trap, this Build decided to try the same with blade fall into the trap and check how it feels vs. Bladefall both have Phys dmg which allows us to use statistics and shaper/elder amulets for colossal DPS boost (extra Ele/chaos dmg). In my personal experience, chaos resist is a rather rare roll on an item, ive only seen 2-3 items that had any chaos resist, usually in the 4%-8% range, to deal with chaos damage, there are passive nodes on the skill tree that will increase it, but if you simply dont want to be bothered by it.

  1. Poe Chaos Damage
  2. Poe Chaos Damage Gems
  3. Poe Chaos Damage Recipe
R4PG Game StoreDate: Dec/03/18 01:00:43Views: 1447

The whole build is about the 2Handed Sword Starforge. Ancestral Warchief will play an imporatant role in this build. Ancestral Warchief is a skill that creates a totem which will attack enemies with melee AoE slams while the player stands close to it.

It gives us huge stats, like 20% Aoe (so we can easy play with conc effect all the time) +100 Life, over 700phys dmg and the best part 'Your physical dmg can Shock' BUT its shocks are not from itself so you still need '%chance to shock' which we get through our jewels.

Chaos Damage Build - Possible? I got bored, and retooled my Claw Shadow to focus on 'Poison Stuff'. I'm one of those players who gets excited about flavor, theme, and appearance.and so this sort of 'Flavor Build' excites me much more than a mechanical monster. Sep 11, 2019  Essence Drain/Contagion Occultist Updated for Patch 3.6 and the Synthesis League. This is a low-life/Energy Shield build which is fully viable as a League Starter and a budget-friendly build, with an easy transition to end-game. Simple weapon DPS calculator for Path of Exile. Path of Exile Weapon DPS Calculator. Hover over weapon ingame and press CRTL + C to copy weapon info, using CTRL + V paste that info in text area below and press Calculate button. The Shadow is proficient with Dexterity and Intelligence skills, and fights with daggers and claws. He can deal strong critical strikes with weapons or spells. The Shadow's Ascendancy classes are Assassin, Saboteur, and Trickster.

Quick Jump

Pros & Cons


  • + All Maps and Mods are easypeasy
  • + ~ 6k Life
  • + 8,7k armor -> 46% phys reduction
  • + 75% Chaos Res
  • + over 400 Life/s
  • + Physical can Shock
  • + Immune to Bleed
  • + Double Curse


  • - Still Totem Playstyle
  • - No Movement Gem

Skill Tree

Poe Chaos Damage


We take the Berserker Class for most DMG

First we go to War Bringer because this will be our main heal skill
After that we take the Aspect of Carnage and with the next 2 points from the Merc/Uber Lab we take Rite of Ruin to get the double bonus from our Rage stacks (picking Rite of Ruin at last helps us doing a smoother Ulab run for ourself, because of the lower degen from 5%. After the Ulab and Rite of Ruin we have 10% degen at max Rage stacks).


Help Oak - He gives us all we need: Phys dmg/reduction and life reg


  • Major: Soul of Brine King
  • Minor: Soul of Abberath

Skill Tree

Low Budged Tree lvl 92

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See The Section 'Leveling'

Gears & Gems Setup


Abyssus gives us the most adds # - # physical dmg to attacks ingame

Low Budget

Gems: CWDT -> Immortal Call -> Increased Duration -> Stone Golem

High Budget

Gems: Shield Charge -> Faster Attacks -> Fortify -> Culling Strike


Low Budget

The Great Old One's Ward is the best Physical attack dmg Shield. The Vix Lunaris is a good Quality of Life tradeoff with the 'Cannot be Frozen' and with the right corruption you can go up to a lvl 25er Herald of Purity and you dmg will be nearly the same. We take Hatred and the Purity Herald. The other slot is open for your choice. e.g. a Vaal Haste, or a Portal gem etc

Gems: Herald of Purity -> Hatred -> XXX

High Budget

The Tukohama's Fortress shield is way more expensive than the Great Old One's Ward, but u get nice Life, Totem DMG, +1 Totems(!!), 300 Armor per Totem (3 Totems = 900 Armor). The Blood Magic can be a downside, but we use it anyway so.. ;)

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Gems: CWDT -> Immortal Call -> Increased Duration


The best and cheapest Armour for us is the Loreweave. This armour gives us a huge dps boost, some life and raises the max resistances up to 80% (and they are fix, wich means they cant go higher through flasks, but also cant go lower from map mods like -12% max res). The Belly of the Beast is good alternative with around ~ +700 life

Gems: Ancestral Warchief, -> Melee Damage, -> Damage on Full Life, -> Increased Aoe (Concentrated Effect) -> Maim -> Faster Attacks

Switch Increased Area to Conc Effect for Hard Bosses. You can switch Faster Attacks with Ruthless if you feel you have enough attack speed (wich is also a dmg increase)


The Facebreaker should be clear - if you can, get some with a Curse on hit corruption, Temporal Chains for defense or Elemental Weakness / Vulnerability for offence. Vulnerability is stronger at the beginning and Elemental Weakness is stronger with min-maxed gear/flasks. Instead of Vaal Lightning Trap you can also use a Vaal Cold Snap for a good and free Frenzy Charge generation.

Gems: Enduring Cry -> Increased Duration -> Blood Magic -> Vaal Lightning Trap(Vaal Cold Snap)


The Meginord is BIS. The Darkness Enthroned is a good upgrade from the Meginord (with the right jewels ofc). The Headhunter is best for Mapping as always (you get the Mods when your Totems kill a Rare)


Low Budget

The Atziri's Steps for Spell Dodge, Life and high armour (because iron reflexes: evasion = armour). Good Alternatives are the Redblade Tramplers or some rares with resistance, life and movementspeed (e.g. if you use the Bloodgrip Amulet). The Death's Door are way more expensive but give also good Quality of Life bonus with 'Cannot be inflicted with Bleeding'.

Gems: Shield Charge -> Faster Attacks -> Fortify -> Blood MAgic

High Budget

Death's Door Boots is a good choice. Bleed Immunity, All Res, up to 40 STR and good Movement Speed. The only Downside is the 50% Increased Status Ailments Duration, wich can be easy compared with a Freeze Flask. Instead of Vaal Lightning Trap you can also use a Vaal Cold Snap for a good and free Frenzy Charge generation.

Gems: CWDT -> Stone Golem -> Vaal Lightning Trap(Vaal Cold Snap) -> Increased Duration

Rings & Amulet

Rings and Amulet with high adds # - # Physical damage to Attacks and all Resistance you need, because its the way for us to cap our Res (my are not bad but they should have a high liferoll too, Steel Rings are ofc the BIS). Another good Amulet is the Bloodgrip, wich provides nearly bleed immunity (good for the Labyrinth), ~100 life reg, good life roll and average phys dmg. Best in slot would be a Shaper/Elder Amulet with additional dmg mods.


The normal Jewels you need should have these Stats: %Max life -> Phys dmg -> Add phys dmg while holding a shield. Melee dmg, Increased dmg, Area dmg and Totem dmg are all at the same dmg level. You can also take some with Attack speed if you feel the need.

Your Abyss Jewels should have the highest Flat Physical Dmg roll as possible (max is 5-8) together with a good life roll (i prefer 35+). After that you have 1 open Prefix and 1 open Suffix on them for your prefered bonus.

But keep in mind that you have to take the projectile notes because you only get the bonus for UNALLOCATED notes


The first Flasks we need are a Bleed (if u dont use the Bloodgrip Amulet) and Freeze Immunity one (You can take a Life Flask for it. If you dont feel the need you can also pick a Basalt Flask for Defense or a Silver Flask for Offence). After that try to get the Lion's Roar (best dmg flask) and Taste of Hate (good defense and offence). Sin's Rebirth (good defense and offence and 3 (!!) uses) or the Atziri's Promise, wich is imo the little Brother compared to Sins' Rebirth



For DMG:

  • 40% increased Ancestral Warchief Totem Damage
  • Ancestral Warchief Totem grants 30% increased Melee Damage while Active
  • 30% increased Vulnerability Curse Effect
  • For Defense:
  • 30% increased Enduring Cry Cooldown Recovery Speed
  • 36% increased Enduring Cry Buff Effect
  • 30% increased Temporal Chains Curse Effect
  • For Others:
  • 12% increased Ancestral Warchief Totem Radius


For DMG:

  • 10% chance to Freeze, Shock and Ignite if you haven't Crit Recently (wich is BIS with additional 10% chance to shock)
  • For Defense:
  • Regenerate 2.0% of Life and Mana per second if you were Hit Recently
  • 8% chance to Dodge Spell Damage if you've taken Spell Damage Recently
  • 10% Chance to Dodge if you've taken a Critical Strike Recently
  • For Others:
  • 10% increased Movement Speed if you haven't been Hit Recently


For Defense:

  • Cast Commandment of Reflection when Hit (because the clone takes some dmg for you)


Skill Tree

The most important thing is Resolute Technique. You can decide to pick Ancestral Bond as fast as you want. I picked the Jewel slots at the very end, BUT you can pick them asap if you get some juicy jewels you want to put in.

Note: These Parts are only for showing you the way through the Tree. Don't look at the Ascendancy or Bandits here, they might be wrong/different from the main Build!


  • At lvl 1 take Ground Slam/Cleave/Molten Strike and the Ruthless gem.
  • At lvl 8 take Maim and take Additional Accuracy until u get the 'Resolute Technique' Note
  • At lvl 10 take Shield Charge for Movement (wich is also nice for lvling if you have some Facebreaker)
  • At lvl 12 Take Sunder instead of you lvl 1 gem until you have the Warchief Totem (note: you cant use sunder with facebreaker)
  • At lvl 16 take the Facebreaker. If you dont have some, pick a Rare/Unique 2Hand weapon with high physical Dmg (With Facebreaker i prefer lvling with Infernal Blow + Melee Splash/Ancestral Call and Shield Charge).
  • At lvl 18 take Faster Attacks, Melee Physical Damage, Melee Damage on Full Life and Concentrated Effect
  • At lvl 28 take Ancestral Warchief
  • At lvl 38 take increased Area of Effect

POB Links

  • Low Budged Tree lvl 92: https://pastebin.com/QV7e7aFv
  • High Budged Tree lvl 93: https://pastebin.com/XBraKAh2
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Low Life/ES Based Witch build. It utilizes the powerful Damage over Time of Essence Drain and Contagion Chaos Spells

Updated for Patch 3.8

The Best Crafty Guides by Odealo

Estimated budget: medium

Guide notes
September 11, 2019
-Updated for Patch 3.8

Essence Drain is a projectile-based spell that deals very high Damage over Time. The damaging debuff can be spread further to nearby enemies by the Contagion Spell for an even better area of effect and greatly increased clear speed. There are a lot of variants of this build, which is also very powerful as Life/Hybrid build. Our suggested build revolves around Occultist Ascendancy class which grants terrific bonuses to Chaos Damage and Energy Shield, as well as allows you to use three different Curses, boosting both your DPS and defenses. The damage of Essence Drain has been greatly increased in Patch 3.6 making this build even more powerful. On top of increasing its' damage, the skill no longer applies it's debuff to the first enemy hit, but also to targets around it.

This build carries a lot of potentials as a League starter build. It will allow you to start Mapping with literally no unique item requirements, while most of the end game gear can be still fairly easy to obtain. It is suggested to level up and start mapping with ED Occultist as a hybrid Life/ES character. After you can afford Shavronne's Wrappings, you should switch it to the Low-Life variation. It will allow you to use additional Auras that by using Blood Magic Support Gem will reserve your Life instead.

You can also check our other Path of Exile builds right here: Odealo's Crafty Guides - Full List

1. Gameplay

This build has quite unique gameplay mechanics. The Essence Drain is a projectile-based spell, which applies its' debuff to the first enemy hit and other enemies in a small radius around it. You can use your Contagion Spell, which will cause the DoT to spread in a wider area, greatly enhancing clear speed. This combination grants this build very solid AoE damage, which is triggered with only two Spell casts. Your damage can be further amplified by the use of Wither Spell Totem.

0:06 Tier 14 Crimson Temple
0:34 Tier 13 Colosseum
1:03 Tier 14 Palace
1:36 Tier 15 Shaped Belfry
This video was recorded on a level 89 Occultist with Breath of the Council and Heretic's Veil equipped.

It was recorded pre 3.8 - but the gameplay hasn't changed much since

Odealo is a secure trading platform for MMO gamers. It is a gamer-driven marketplace for PoE Currency, Orbs, and Unique items.

2. Build's PROS & CONS

  • high Damage over Time with good AoE
  • good as a League starter build - with no unique items required to start mapping effectively
  • end-game viable with proper gear adjustments
  • good clear speed
  • immunity to reflect mods
  • provides interesting gameplay mechanicsand avery enjoyable playstyle
  • can feel squishy before you transition fully into Energy Shield
  • requires refunding a bunch of Passives on the Skill Tree when you go Low-Life

3. Leveling tips

Leveling this Essence Drain Occultist is not as smooth as other popular League starter classes. You should start off by using Freezing Pulse (or any other spell of choice - after all the early levels are easy with anything you decide to pick up) and swap it to Essence Drain as you get it at level 12. This is when you reach Merveil's Cavern. At this point, you will have to apply the Essence Drain debuff to enemies and finish them off with Freezing Pulse (or other spells that you feel comfortable with). Since this build requires more links in your main DPS setup than other builds, it is advised to invest in Tabula Rasa.

Suggested leveling Gem setups:

Essence Drain setup
Essence Drain - your primary DPS Spell Gem
Void Manipulation Support - increases the Chaos Damage dealt with supported skills
Controlled Destruction Support - grants very high Spell Damage at the cost of reduced Crit. Chance
Contagion setup
Contagion - this spell spreads your Essence Drain's DoT, as well as deals additional chaos damage
Increased Area of Effect Support
Faster Casting Support
Utility Gems
Stone Golem - grants extra Life Regeneration
Decoy Totem - another useful defensive Spell Gem. It will spawn a Totem which taunts nearby enemies
Despair - recommended Curse for this build which increases the Damage over Time cursed enemies receive

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We recommend killing all the Bandits for two additional Passive Points

Leveling Skill Trees:

31 Points Skill Tree
Priorities: 1) Occultist's Dominion 2) Deep Wisdom 3) Growth and Decay 4) Entropy

63 Points Skill Tree
Priorities: 1) Written in Blood 2) Atrophy 3) Retribution 4) Sanctity 5) Method to the Madness

Level 70s Passive Skill Tree as you switch to Low-Life and Shavronne's Wrappings

Recommended leveling items:

Lifesprig - amazing leveling Wand, may work fairly well for at least 40 levels
(8-12)% increased Spell Damage
+1 to Level of Socketed Spell Gems
(20-28)% increased Spell Damage
(5-8)% increased Cast Speed
+(15-20) to maximum Life
+(15-20) to maximum Mana
Regenerate (6-8) Life over 1 second when you Cast a Spell
Wanderlust - great leveling pair of boots. Grant movement speed, and the quite important for this build's defenses, energy shield
+5 to Dexterity
(20-40)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
+(10-20) to maximum Energy Shield
20% increased Movement Speed
Cannot be Frozen
Goldrim - the best leveling helmet in Path of Exile. It might be expensive early in a new League, but as soon as you can afford one it's totally worth it
+(30-50) to Evasion Rating
10% increased Rarity of Items found
+(30-40)% to all Elemental Resistances
Reflects 4 Physical Damage to Melee Attackers
Level Requirement reduced by 100 (Hidden)
Tabula Rasa - Essence Drain builds heavily rely on Support Gems to inflict proper damage. This is why Tabula Rasa is an extremely powerful item starting at level 31 (when a bunch of new Support Gems becomes available)
3% reduced Movement Speed (Hidden)
Item has no level requirement and Energy Shield (Hidden)
Item has 6 White Sockets and is fully linked (Hidden)

4. Final Skill Tree, Ascendancy Points, and Pantheon

Final Skill Tree:

115 Points Final Skill Tree
115 Points Path of Building (PoB) link

Ascendancy points:

Preferably in that order:

Poe Chaos Damage Gems

  1. Profane Bloom
  2. Malediction
  3. Void Beacon
  4. Vile Bastion


Major God: Soul of Lunaris1% additional Physical Damage Reduction for each nearby Enemy, up to 8%; 1% increased Movement Speed for each nearby Enemy, up to 8%

Minor God: Soul of Gruthkul 1% additional Physical Damage Reduction for each Hit you've taken Recently up to a maximum of 5%

5. Final Gems links

[DPS] Essence Drain setup
Essence Drain - your main DPS spell. You have to apply it only to one enemy within Contagion's area of radius
Void Manipulation Support- increases Chaos Damage to supported skills
Efficacy Support - increases both Spell Damage and Damage over Time
Swift Affliction Support - another Gem used to buff the ED's DoT
Controlled Destruction Support - greatly increases supported skills' Spell Damage. Since Damage over Time cannot Crit. there is no downside from using this Support Gem
Empower Support - increases the level of all active Gems in this setup. Try getting a level 3 or 4 Empower depending on your budget
[UTILITY] Flame Dash
Flame Dash - a decent movement Spell that will grant you the Arcane Surge buff whenever you use it
Arcane Surge Support - grants increased Spell Damage and Mana Regen. when you use Flame Dash. Keep this Gem at level 6
[UTILITY] Wither Spell Totem setup
Spell Totem Support - this skill will let you summon a Totem that will cast the supported spells
Wither - it will slow affected enemies, as well as increase the Chaos Damage they take
Faster Casting Support
Multiple Totems Support - this skill will let you summon two additional Totems which each Cast, allowing you to stack Withered at three times the regular speed
[UTILITY] Contagion setup
Contagion - AoE spell that deals Chaos Damage, and spreads your Essence Drain DoT effect on all enemies in the radius
Increased Area of Effect Support
Faster Casting Support
[AURA] Malevolence and Zealotry
Malevolence - the recommended (and the only) Aura that we are going to use in this build. It increases your Damage over Time and Skill Effect Duration
Zealotry - grants increased Spell Damage bonus and creates Consecrated Ground which increases your Energy Shield Regeneration Rate further
[CURSE] Tri-Curse Bane setup
Despair - this curse reduced Chaos Resistance of nearby enemies
Enfeeble - the best defensive Curse in Path of Exile
Temporal Chains - same as above, grants extra defenses
Bane - Area Spell which deals decent Damage over Time and applies all three Curses
[AURAS] Blood Magic setup
Blood Magic Support - will make your Auras reserve Life instead of Mana
Discipline - grants additional Energy Shield. Discipline is an extremely important defensive Aura in this build
Clarity - grants extra Mana Regeneration. Adjust Clarity's level depending on your Maximum Life

Odealo supports player-to-player trading for Path of Exile Currency, Orbs, and Unique items. Buying from regular players on Odealo guarantees the best prices and highest security of every transaction.

5. Gear Setup

In this section, both the budget-friendly and end-game items are included. We have also provided the required stats for each item.

We would like to take this opportunity to invite you to visit our Path of Exile marketplace. You can find all types of PoE Orbs offered for sale there.

The recommended items from our list will:

  1. Cap your resistances
  2. Give you enough Energy Shield and DPS to start mapping

Stat priorities on items:

  1. Energy Shield
  2. Elemental Resistances
  3. Chaos Damage/Spell Damage/Damage over Time
  4. Cast Speed
(Helmet) Rare Helmet - a good option for the leveling/early mapping phase. It will not allow you to use three Curses though
Min. requirements:
220 Energy Shield
60% Total Elemental Resistances
Optional affixes:
Nearby enemies have -9% Chaos Resistance
Helmet enchantment:
40% increased Essence Drain Damage
(Weapon Slot) Rare Sai - crafted with Essence of Delirium, with an increased Spell and Chaos Damage, possibly increased Cast Speed as well. The essence of Delirium guarantees the following attribute on the crafted item: 'Your Hits inflict Decay, dealing 500 Chaos Damage per second for 8 seconds'
Min. requirements:
50% increased Spell/Chaos Damage
Optional affixes:
increased Cast speed
maximum Mana
Elemental Resistances
(Weapon Slot) Breath of the Council - this unique mace is mighty for this build. It is rather expensive and rare though, and might not be easily obtainable early in new leagues
32% increased Elemental Damage
(260-310)% increased Physical Damage
(80-100)% increased Chaos Damage
10% increased Area of Effect
40% increased Chaos Skill Effect Duration
(Weapon Slot) Rathpith Globe - good and inexpensive ES/Spell Damage shield. You can always replace this item with a rare piece with possibly better stats (and higher price)
3% reduced Movement Speed (Hidden)
(40-60)% of Block Chance applied to Spells
(40-60)% increased Spell Damage
10% increased maximum Life
(120-160)% increased Energy Shield
+25% to Lightning Resistance
(Body Armour) Shavronne's Wrappings - the best in slot item for this build (the low-life variant). It is rather expensive, but worth every bit of it. It allows you to use a few additional auras with Blood Magic Support Gem and makes you benefit from the Pain Attunement passive
3% reduced Movement Speed (Hidden)
(3-10)% increased Spell Damage
(100-150)% increased Energy Shield
10% faster start of Energy Shield Recharge
+(30-40)% to Lightning Resistance
Reflects 1 to 250 Lightning Damage to Melee Attackers
Chaos Damage does not bypass Energy Shield
(Boots) Rare Boots - get a pair with the highest maximum defensive stats you can afford
Min. requirements:
120 Energy Shield
25% increased Movement Speed
39% Fire Resistance
39% Cold Resistance
Optional affixes:
(Boots) Greedtrap - new Fated Unique item introduced in patch 3.2. It increases the Quantity of Items found, which greatly helps you accumulate wealth while farming low and mid-tier maps. They also provide very decent Energy Shield and Movement Speed bonuses. Using this pair of boots may require you to adjust Elemental Resistances on other parts of the gear
+7 to Strength
+9 to Dexterity
+10 to Intelligence
+108 to maximum Energy Shield
12% increased Quantity of Items found when on Low Life
20% increased Movement Speed
Boot enchantment:
Adds 120 to 180 Chaos Damage if you've taken a Critical Strike Recently
(Belt) Rare Belt - again, we try to grab one with the highest defensive stats
Min. requirements:
40 Strength
45 maximum Energy Shield
44% Lightning Resistance
32% Cold Resistance
(Amulet) Presence of Chayula - best in the slot amulet for this build
+(10-16) to all Attributes
30% increased Rarity of Items found
+60% to Chaos Resistance
Cannot be Stunned
20% of Maximum Life Converted to Energy Shield
(Amulet) Rare Amulet
Min. requirements:
30 maximum Energy Shield
12% increased maximum Energy Shield
15% All Elemental Resistances
Optional affixes:
maximum Mana
maximum Life
(Ring) Rare Ring
Min. requirements:
25 maximum Energy Shield
40 maximum Mana
35 Dexterity
25% Fire Resistance
13% All Elemental Resistances
Optional affixes:
Mana gained on Kill
(Ring) Rare Ring
Min. requirements:
45 maximum Energy Shield
40 maximum Mana
25% increased Mana Regeneration rate
25% Fire Resistance
10% All Elemental Resistances
Optional affixes:
(Gloves) Rare Gloves - you should alter the required Resistances to cap them with this pair of gloves
Min. requirements:
120 Energy Shield
40 maximum Mana
33% Fire resistance
33% Cold resistance
Optional affixes:
increased Spell Damage
(Jewels) Rare Jewels - this should provide extra ES and damage bonuses
Recommended affixes:
increased maximum Energy Shield
increased Chaos Damage/Spell Damage/Damage over Time
Optional affixes:
(Jewels) Abyss Jewels - you should use at least one Abyss Jewel for the Hinder on Spell Hit effect
Recommended affixes:
maximum Energy Shield
Added Chaos Damage to Spells
Added Chaos Damage to Spells while holding a Shield
Chance to Hinder enemies on Hit with Spells
Optional affixes:
Mana Regenerated per second
(Flask) Witchfire Brew - mandatory Flask for this build. It increases your Damage over Time by up to 40% during Flask effect. It also grants Despair Curse Aura on use which means you could skip this Gem in your curses' setup and have higher unreserved Mana pool
100% increased Evasion Rating
Creates a Smoke Cloud on Use
50% increased Charges used
(25-40)% increased Damage Over Time during Flask Effect
Grants Level 21 Despair Curse Aura during Flask Effect
(Flask) Kiara's Determination - provides the Onslaught buff and immunity to 4 different status ailments for the duration
Immune to Freeze, Chill, Curses and Stuns during Flask Effect
60% reduced Duration
Other suggested flasks:
  1. Perpetual Quartz Flask of Staunching (immunity to Bleeding)
  2. Ample Sulphur Flask of Heat (immunity to Freeze)
  3. Experimenter's Quicksilver Flask of Adrenaline (increased Movement Speed)

Odealo is a secure marketplace for PoE Currency and Unique Items where trades are made by regular players with the use of real money.

Poe Chaos Damage Recipe

If you have any other build requests, please leave that in the comments below.

Pictures used in this article are the intellectual property of Grinding Gear Games.