'how Many Times Was \'you Still Take Dmg\' Said In Yu-gi-oh'

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  1. 'how Many Times Was 'you Still Take Dmg ' Said In Yu-gi-oh' Terms
  2. 'how Many Times Was 'you Still Take Dmg ' Said In Yu-gi-oh' Bible

The Proposal - Part 1

I think it's a proven fact that proposing to a girl is even harder than telling her you love her in the first place. I mean, it shouldn't be. She already knew that I loved her. Great. We spent literally every moment together. Very great. So, this shouldn't be hard, right?

This may seem paradoxical, but many time travel stories use a similar time loop to create a scenario where it’s impossible to determine which event happened first. That’s part of the fun of time travel stories.-Do you believe any of these Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan theories? Let us know in the comments. The sixth series of Yu-Gi-Oh, Yu-Gi-Oh VRAINS, introduced yet another new type of summoning.LINK monsters fundamentally changed the game yet again, even more drastically than Pendulum Summoning ever did or could. Essentially, LINK monsters work more like Tribute Summoning—the higher the “Link” on the card, the more monsters it takes. Not to try and confuse you further, but yes, you definitely can change it back to FAT32 afterwards. As with any other format change, it will require erasing the disk and reformatting it, but so long as you don't mind that, you can reformat as many times as you want. Basically, nothing that's being suggested here is permanent or irreversible. Mar 26, 2018  So I've been bit by the Yu-Gi-Oh nostalgia bug lately and recently started playing this to get it out of my system. Enjoying it so far! 3 questions though. How many stages of the single player are there and how long does it take to finish? I'm at 14 in Duel Monsters and 7 in GT. What are the best booster packs? I chose Kaiba. How long till I.

Wrong. I glared at another passing couple. Here I was, walking through the shopping district in the Duel Monster realm that mirrored the human realm, glaring at every married couple that chanced to go by me. They didn't even notice, too wrapped up in each other. Probably married for decades. Hmf!

First you get up on the machine then equip on the Toxic Blaster then when the monster attacks you try to miss its attacks, but when it opens its mouth use the space bar and hit as many times as. See the dropdown menu for important moderator announcements, links to other Yu-Gi-Oh! Subreddits, and other important resources! Subreddit FAQ: Check here for answers to common questions Click this link or the image below to join the r/yugioh Discord server for real-time discussion of Yu-Gi-Oh! And other topics.

Okay, so I shouldn't be jealous. But you just don't understand! See, if proposing isn't already nerve-wrecking enough to do once, my girlfriend was probably not going to notice and I was going to have to repeat myself. As I had to do very often. So you see, I'm not as nervous about proposing. I'm nervous that she's not going to notice.

My girlfriend is my former apprentice. She had passed the tests under my direction and claimed the official status of Dark Magician Girl. I had been reluctant to let her go before because I was worried that she would disappear from my world after passing. But as I had revealed my heart to her and she in return, I had no fear and gladly let her take the exam. I felt a pang of loss when she passed. After all, I wouldn't be calling her 'apprentice' affectionately anymore, and she wouldn't be calling me 'master'.

Well, it wasn't too different. She insisted that I called her 'Dark Magician Girl' every time I saw her; 'DMG' if I felt it was a mouthful. It was her way of enjoying her new rank. I let her enjoy it, always adding my in front or dear, which would please her. After all, she was mine! Mine! After all the trouble I went through! Triumph!

Another passing couple made me focus back on my decision. We had been together for two years. She was going to be eighteen soon. And I felt that it was the best time to ask her to spend the rest of her life with me.

Of course, deciding that was the easiest part. My girlfriend was still a child at heart, and when I say child, I don't mean a ten-year-old or an eight-year-old. I mean a two-year-old. It was adorable, sure. And I loved it. But it did make things inconvenient when you had to ask her to marry you.


I had already suffered a few failed hintings. We were walking together one day and we had passed a jewelry store. The display was in the window. There was a nice silver ring set with a diamond. I had brought her closer to the window and pointed to the ring.

'Isn't it nice?' I had asked. DMG had stared. I had thought maybe she had gotten what I had hinted, but instead she had replied,

'You know, all this jewelry is messing up my reflection on the glass!'

I had resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

'No, the ring!' I had repeated.

'What?' she had asked, looking at the ring. 'Oh, the ring.' And in the same sentence: 'What do I need a ring for? Come on, I want to see the park!'

And just like that, it had ended. You know, I thought women adored jewelry. But I realized she preferred the flashy, colorful kind. How typical.

Anyway, another day we had been walking on the road and a newlywed couple had sped through the town on a Dragon. They were still in their wedding clothes and there was a 'Just Married' sign hanging from the tail of the Dragon. Of course, DMG had started to squeal and clap and I had taken a chance and said,

'You know, someday that might be us.'

Had I really expected her to hear me? She had dashed off after the Dragon. And in a few seconds, I had realized that she was intent on following them. I then ran off after her. So much for that.

That was in the past. This was the present. Now there was a ring much like the one in that display in my pocket. I patted it reassuringly. Tonight was the night I was going to stop hinting around (not like she had really paid attention to it, anyway) and actually propose.

I had picked a quiet place for that (she was not going to run off this time!). There was a nice restaurant nearby. That was where I was walking to at the moment. I had told her to meet me there later. That way, I could arrange a little 'surprise' with the cook. I took a deep breath. Well…here it goes!


My knee shook. I grabbed my knee with my hand to stop it. My hand shook. I clenched my teeth. My eyes darted around. I placed my hands on the table and drummed anxiously. My throat felt dry. I tried to take a sip of water but I realized I had already emptied the glass. My hands were too shaky. I opened my mouth to call for a waiter but my voice had disappeared. That was the last straw. I stopped moving, mentally slapping myself. She's not here yet! Just be calm!

I was sitting at a table near a window in the restaurant, watching the sky grow romantically dark outside. DMG was due in less than ten minutes. My behavior had definitely grown more nervous as the hour had passed. It had started with a few sips of water, followed by toe tapping. Now my entire body felt like it was crawling with ants. So much for calm.

My body told me when she walked in through the door before I fully realized it. As soon as my eyeballs registered her small frame in the doorway, my legs immediately shot up with no concern for the table that hovered over my kneecaps. They hit the edge with a loud bang, and I muffled a strangled cry. That was how she saw me. Bent over in pain on the table, my mouth open like the Worm Drake had strangled me. Great.

She giggled, running up to me and throwing her arms around my neck. Better. I kissed her lightly and let her sit across from me. It made me less nervous as I took the time to appreciate her outfit. It was a light pink sundress with light blue flowers all over it. She had painted her nails to match and she was wearing adorable white sandals. I looked back at her face. Cute. I love this girl.

'So, how have you been all day?' I asked politely. I didn't dare say her name; my throat might freeze up again.

'how Many Times Was 'you Still Take Dmg ' Said In Yu-gi-oh' Terms

'Good! Good! I was out with my friends all day! It was really a blast. You should come one day; I would love for them to meet you! I mean, seriously, we've been dating, what, for, like, two years now. You still haven't met all the people I know. They would just adore you!' She said this in one excited breath. I grinned.

'Sure.' I patted the ring in my pocket. I could just imagine her introducing me after I proposed. It was something to look forward to.

'Would you like to order, now, sir?' asked a nearby waiter. I hadn't even looked at the menu.

'Sure,' I replied.


DMG gave me a funny stare. I stopped tapping the table glass. Instead, my foot started tapping. I squeezed my fingers together. It had been bad enough during the beginning of dinner. I had dropped the fork many times. I had knocked over my water twice. My girlfriend was being very patient with me, I could tell. Now, after they had cleared away the dishes, I had nothing to distract myself.

'Your dessert will arrive shortly, sir,' the waiter said. Then, as he turned away from DMG, he winked at me and left. The signal. I really had to control myself now.

'What's wrong?' DMG asked. I looked at her. I realized I had bit my lip and shifted weirdly in my seat.

'Nothing!' Oh the horror! I had squeaked! DMG raised her eyebrows at me. I threw my hands on the table. 'I…uh…' Before I could move, my girlfriend covered my hands with her own. Her emerald eyes held my gaze.

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'If there's anything you want to talk about, I'm right here.' I took a deep breath. It was okay. It was all going to go over okay.

'I love you.' She smiled.

'I love you, too,' she said, patting my hand. Okay, I felt better now.

I saw the waiter. Okay, take back what I said.

'Here comes the dessert!' DMG said, clapping her hands together. A waiter I hadn't seen before or talked to came in carrying two silver-covered dishes. He came to our table and stopped. He had a forced smile on his face. He looked new and unsure. He strained to keep a calm expression. His hands shook. He looked more nervous than I did. I started feeling more nervous. What was going on? Was he trying to get me to jump out of my seat?

'Your dessert, sir,' he said. He started to bend forward, then stopped, and then placed one of the platters down. Was I imagining everything going in slow motion?

I looked in front of us. The platter was sitting in the exact center. The contents were covered by the silver dome. I already knew what was inside. It was a small cake that could easily be shared by two people. Chocolate, DMG's favorite, of course. And as soon as I lifted the cover, she would see the icing. Will you marry me? It would read in pink. And then I would whip out my ring and confirm my proposal.

DMG stared, begging me with my eyes to remove the cover. The waiter left to deliver the other platter. I locked my eyes with the silver then up to her face. I wanted to see every single part of her expression. I raised my hand. It shook in midair as I reached for the handle. I grasped. I pulled. And I watched my girlfriend's face as I lifted the cover.

She screamed. Yes, screamed! Not a happy, delighted scream. A terrified, blood-curling shriek. My heart jumped to my throat as I looked down, and I too yelled. It wasn't a cake that met my vision! It was a giant, tentacled…thing!

'Gah! What did you order?' she cried. I held out my arms.

'Not this!' I replied. I looked around for the waiter with the platter. Oh no…the platter! He had gotten them mixed up! That's why he was nervous! He was unsure!

I panicked! My cake! My cake was out there! I had to get it back before someone else wrongly got the message! I jumped to my feet, the table and everything on it shaking dangerously. I didn't even look at DMG's expression as I ducked into the lower floor where everyone was dining. Some people gave me funny stares as I ran by, but I saw the waiter at the far end. Damn! I had wasted too much time in opening the stupid non-cake.

I wanted to yell stop, I really I did. I ran towards him silently instead. Everyone was watching at this point. He approached a young couple: A Celtic Guardian and a Mystical Elf. They smiled up at him as he bent over. The Celtic Guardian reached up and grasped the handle.

No! I screamed in my head. It was too late. Just as I had reached his side, the elf had removed the cover. He stared at it and his eyes widened when he saw the message. By this time, I was standing right behind the waiter, my head screaming in horror. The waiter cringed visibly. Mystical Elf got up and looked at the cake. Oh no. Oh no. Her hands shot up to her face, covering her mouth. Celtic Guardian looked up at her. His face screamed: no, I really don't mean it! My head was screaming: he really doesn't mean it.

'Do you really mean it?' she asked. Celtic Guardian stared at me. Awkward…should I say something?

how many times was

'Of course, dear. Surprised?' the Guardian asked before I could say anything. My jaw dropped to the floor. The Mystical Elf squealed and shouted excitedly. Because I had run over here, everyone was now watching the scene.

'He proposed to me!' she gushed and everyone clapped. I gritted my teeth. I was ready to wring the waiter's neck. That was my proposal, dammit! I wanted to hurt him so badly!

I got my wish. Seconds later, someone collided into me from behind. I collided into the waiter. The waiter collided into the cake he was still holding. The cake collided with Celtic Guardian's face. I looked back. Apparently DMG had run after me and tripped on her sandals. How typical.

'Oh…uh…sir…I'm…sorry!' the waiter stuttered. Mystical Elf giggled and proceeded to clean up her now-fiancée's face with a napkin. DMG rushed over to her.

'Did he really propose to you?' she asked. Mystical Elf giggled and nodded, blushing furiously. DMG clasped her hands together and turned to me.

'Wasn't that so sweet?' she gushed. 'I wish that could've happened to me!' I gaped at her. I wanted to say it was our cake, not theirs. I wanted to tell her the waiter's error. But while I stood there, watching my girlfriend (still only girlfriend) chat with the newly (and unintentionally) engaged Elf, my brain could only repeat one thing over and over in my head.

This. Is. Not. Fair.


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General Memes
  • Card games on hippos!
    • As of season 2, some have taken to applying one from Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's: Card Games on Motorcycles.
    • It doesn't take long after the fifth OP aired for the fans to fork it into Card Games on Roller Skates!
  • Yuya's Fusion Summoning Beast-Eyes in episode 26. Due to his stern expression, hands outstretched and the bright light behind him, people have had a field day with calling him 'Duel Jesus' and the like.
    • This meme would be later expanded due to Yuya's Messianic Archetype tendencies in later seasons.
  • Many have taken to calling Yuzu the real protagonist of the series as she was far more involved in the plot than Yuya (someone even made the chart) until episode 36, particularly following Yuya's duel with Reiji.
    • A sub-theme of this is referring to the series as a Reverse Harem, and comparing the characters in relation to Yuzu with traditional harem archetypes (Yuya the childhood friend, Yuto the wounded soul, Kurosaki the Aloof Big Brother, Masumi and Olga the lesbian route..). See Launcher of a Thousand Ships above.
    • And then, ironically, this has been replaced with 'Will Yuzu get to do anything?' Starting around the Synchro Dimension arc, where she either does things that have no impact on the plot at large or gets repeatedly kidnapped by the respective Big Bads of the arc.
    • 'The four Dimensional Lamps' Explanation
  • It's traditional to refer to practitioners of different Summoning methods as '[x] scum', in reference to the Fantastic Racism going on in the series. This is particularly common with Kurosaki or Sora.
  • The 'Berserk Mode' or 'Berserker Mode' is an unofficial term created by fans to describe the Superpowered Evil Side of Yuya and his Identical Strangers. For a long time, everything known about the Berserk Mode was just fan theories and very little was confirmed about it. Now it's officially called 'Awakening'.
  • Everyone in this series is colorblind!note
  • Carded.note
  • Egao.note
    • Egao cult. Explanation
    • Eggo Explanation
  • 'But you'll still take the damage!'Explanation
  • Sora's Fusion Monsters (Des-toy/Death-toy/Frightfur) resembling the animatronics of Five Nights at Freddy's. Some fans joke about him finding the game funny, being the owner of the pizza place, or the creator of the infamous killer robots.
  • Sora's rape faces from episode 34, particularly this one.
  • People actually start to use Futoshi's annoying Catchphrase, 'shivers'note .
  • Mieru Hochun's psychic nosebleed has seen a bit of circulation on tumblr in regards to cute boys.
  • Yuto's name being written as 'Ute' on the Versus Character Splash. Many people saw this as ridiculous, and started using it ironically. The spelling also goes for the other Yus - Uya (Yuya), Uge (Yugo), Uze (Yuzu)..and then we got Yugo being written as 'Hyugo' and 'Hugo' And then Yuri's name become 'Juri' and 'Joeri'.
  • Yuya's catch phrase ('The fun has just begun!') is usually said ironically by fans when something traumatic happens, like Sora's Nightmare Face during his duel wih Kurosaki, or Yuya's Superpowered Evil Side appearing. Just look.
  • Kurosaki's spectacular Dueling record has led to 'BUY RAID RAPTORS' becoming something of a call around him. When they're not talking about his obsession with RUUUURIIII.
    • Related to this, we have the 'RURI RAPTORS'!
    • Kurosaki falling down a flight of stairs in episode 47.
      • The fandom has started making fun of stairs as Yuya fell down the stairs twice in his duel against Reiji.
    • The introduction of Crow, in conjunction with his own Merchandise-Driven origins and the fact that he immediately (again) became a prominent character who can defeat just about anyone and rarely loses, led to the counter-call of 'BUY BLACKWINGS!'
      • Crow's longterm association with shilling cards and habit of showing up right before periods considered Seasonal Rot has led to him becoming associated with Konami, often in terms of him either being a fanboy defender or an agent of them.
  • Referring to 8 Youth Division finalists chosen to protect Maiami City from Academia's invasion as Reiji's personal male idol group/boy band.note
  • Related to Reiji's boy band is Reiji's superhero team made up of Yuya, Gongenzaka, Serena, Kurosaki, Sawatari and Tsukikage, based on episode 49 and episode 50's preview, where Reiji states his desire to make them his Lancers. Due to the name, many are comparing the Lancers to the Avengers. Some have even taken to photoshopping the Avengers' movie poster with them. Yuya is Captain America, Gongenzaka is the Hulk, Sawatari is Iron Man, Serena is Black Widow, Kurosaki is Thor, Tsukikage is Hawkeye and Reiji is Nick Fury.
  • While uncommon, Odd-Eyes is occasionally compared to a chicken more than a dragon thanks to it's overall body structure and how it moves about like a chicken thanks to having no wings like other dragon monsters. Of course, then a possible Synchro form for it was revealed in an upcoming Structure Deck, and not only does it look more avian than draconic, but it also appears to have a crest atop its head. To top it off, it's a FIRE monster, and its artwork depicts its body Wreathed in Flames. Naturally, Mega Ultra Chicken comparisons ensued.
  • Fans starting to photoshop Kurosaki running in his Indiana Jones outfit, resulting in pictures that feature him outrunning cars, trains, or running alongside with José.
    • He is later joined by Tsukikage as well.
  • Fans mistaking Yuri's ace monster for the incredibly generic card Kaiser Dragon due to its silhouette. They share a few laughs when it is noted how ridiculous that is.
    • Before its official name was revealed, many people on certain parts of the internet had taken to calling Yuri's dragon as 'Big Dick Fusion Dragon' thanks to a certain angle of its silhouette in its debut episode.
  • Referring to Nico Smiley as Hitler or being a Nazi in some fashion, mostly for his design and apparent skeeviness contrasting oddly with his genial personality.
Synchro Dimension
  • Tokumatsu's 'ENJOY!' and 'KOIKOIKOIKOI' have become very popular on Reddit. Just mentioning Cardians, Tokumatsu or the even word 'enjoy' sparks responses.
  • Due to the Lancers rather spotty win record, 'Being Lancers is suffering'.
  • Due to the massive amount of ship tease between the respective Yuyas' and their Yuzus', many are joking that ARC-V is the straightest Yu-Gi-Oh! show yet.
  • Reiji's line 'All According to Plan.'note And now Jean Michel Roget has used this line.
    • You know that this has become a meme when one of the voice actors from Final Fantasy VII: Machinabridged defaults to it in one of the bloopers.note
    • Mocking/insulting Reiji's skills at prediction and manipulation has gotten to be a big one, since it's all he does in the Synchro arc. Either he's predicted everything that's happened in the Synchro Arc with impossible accuracy, or he's a poser who only pretends to be in control when everything is going to hell.
  • After episode 77, it has become a meme between artists in the fandom to draw Yuzu as a Dark Signer. It started on Twitter and then entered Pixiv and Tumblr.note
    • Some artists have even gone as far as to draw all the Bracelet Girls as Dark Signers.
  • 'Are they still in the Synchro Dimension?' Explanation
  • Whenever Yuri enters an episode, new image reaction memes are born, in no part thanks to his wide rangeof facial expressionsthroughout theseries. Really, Yuri can qualify as a Fountain of Memes thanks to being the series Memetic Psychopath. Who else would give this casual of a smile just before attempting to card someone?
  • Kurosaki carrying a ghetto blaster in episode 90 has also become a meme.
  • Roget's Villainous Breakdown in episode 94 quickly caught off with the fandom, thanks to his Japanese VA's show-stopping performance and Roget's facial reactions to what's going on. In particular, his 'SEEEEEEERRGEEEEEEEEEY!!!' line quickly become one of the most memorable moments in the show so far, and is wildly regarded as a Moment of Awesome for Roget's VA because of how high and enraged he managed to make it sound. Similarly, jokes about his VA needing a cough drop afterwards are common as well.
  • Ping-Pong on Motorcycles / Ping-Pong Dimension Explanation
  • Neo New. Explanation
  • UTSUKUSHII. Explanation
  • HITOTSU NI.Explanation
  • Yūgō jane! Yūgo da!note
  • The reveal of Asuka joining the series caused some fans to use her picture in her white uniform, since she was Brainwashed and Crazy in season 2, fitting to the Ax-Crazy behaviour of Academia students. This became ironic, since it has turned out that she is not an antagonist.
  • Similarly, the reveal of Edo Phoenix caused fans to re-use the jokes with the letter D.
  • The preview talks about a character all by him/herself, all by him/herself. Explanation
  • Dark Rebellion's EGAO face.Explanation
  • Yuya checked an opponent's card effect. No one has any excuses now. Explanation
  • The show won't go on.Explanation
  • Yuto is really inside him!Explanation
  • Spunk Yes!Explanation
  • Merry Christmas! Here, have Satan! note
    • Zarcmas Explanation
  • IS THIS HOW YOU END A SERIES?! Explanation
    • Related to the aforementioned meme above, some fans think that ARC-V is 'a poor man's version of Cardfight!! Vanguard'.
  • Yuzu is Yuya's mom. note
  • Crossing over with Digimon Universe Applimonsters. Due to that show's protagonist looking like Yuya, tons of jokes sprung up about Yuya taking the dimension-hopping game into another franchise. The fact that Universe has added a pink-haired heroine with twintails, makes it even more obvious.
    • Similarly, in the wake of the infamous bait and switch concerning the Pokemon XY&Z anime league, the resulting salt it ended up generating in the Pokemon fandom has somehow gotten people comparing Alain and Yuya. Explanation

'how Many Times Was 'you Still Take Dmg ' Said In Yu-gi-oh' Bible
