How Does Affliction Does Aoe Dmg

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  1. How Does Affliction Does Aoe Dmg Take
  2. How Does Affliction Does Aoe Dmg Open
  3. How Does Affliction Does Aoe Dmg Mean
  4. How Does Affliction Does Aoe Dmg Work
  5. How Does Affliction Does Aoe Dmg Stand

Comment by Rugilock I strongly disagree with cataclysm for affliction it is a meh AoE ability; sure it applies Agony and UA. But Agony will not have enough time to ramp up and this is one of the reasons that makes it meh. Playstyle for Affliction Warlock. Affliction Warlocks aim to apply a series of damage over time effects to targets, weaving in empowerments and buffing them up where possible. Much of the optimization revolves around maintaining your active effects while ensuring you spend Soul Shards correctly. Hey I'm not a pro Warlock player so this might be a dumb question. But the Damage Buff from Unstable Affliction (You deal 10% increased damage to targets afflicted) does it stack or not? Since you can have a maximum of 5 unstable afflictions would it cap at 50% for as long as they are up?

  • Affliction Warlock PvE DPS Rotation - 8.2.5. Below is our guide for prioritizing your Affliction Warlock abilities optimally. This should help give you a basic understanding of what to do and what's most important to focus on.
  • Affliction Warlocks aim to apply a series of damage over time effects to targets, weaving in empowerments and buffing them up where possible. Much of the optimization revolves around maintaining your active effects while ensuring you spend Soul Shards correctly.
  • Destruction Warlock PvE DPS Rotation - 8.2.5. Below is our guide for prioritizing your Destruction Warlock abilities optimally. This should help give you a basic understanding of what to do and what's most important to focus on.
  • Does the Active Azerite Power Trait 'Filthy Transfusion' deal AoE damage? Ask Question Asked 1 year, 2 months ago. How exactly does damage scaling appear to high level characters? How long does a fully upgraded Artifact weapon take to finish in World of Warcraft? And where should you be farming Artifact Power?

General Rotation:

  1. Maintain Agony, Corruption and Siphon Life
  2. Haunt on cooldown
  3. Phantom Singularity/Vile Taint on cooldown
  4. Unstable Affliction if you are about to overcap
  5. Unstable Affliction if it’s not on the target
  6. Unstable Affliction once before Deathbolt
  7. Deathbolt on cooldown
  8. Shadow bolt or Drain Soul (if talented)


  1. Precast Battle Potion of Intellect
  2. Precast Haunt (if talented) otherwise Shadow Bolt)
  3. Siphon Life (if talented)
  4. Phantom Singularity or Vile Taint (if talented)
  5. Dark Soul: Misery (if talented)
  6. Racials, haste and damage on-use trinkets
  7. Unstable Affliction until you have reached five or run out of Soul Shards
  8. Mastery and int on-use trinkets
  9. Normal Priority

Multi Target Priority:

  • Maintain Agony on up to 8 targets
  • Maintain Corruption on all targets. Use Seed of Corruption if there is more than 3 stacked targets.

Maintain Siphon Life on up to 4 targets. You should probably be playing Absolute Corruption or Writhe in Agony in most cases if there are so many targets to dot up.

Cooldown Management:

Cooldown Management is heavily dependent on the fight length. For optimal DPS it is recommend having a Weak Aura telling you how long the fight approximately is going to last. You want to use Summon Darkglare as often as possible with Dark Soul: Misery without losing an use. Here are two examples:

With this short guide, we'll teach you how to do Blast damage in Warframe and how to mod for it.Warframe Blast damage is not a meta damage type, unlike Viral and Corrosive, and since it is most useful against Grineer Machinery and Fossilized Infested health types - which are rare - it is not often modded for. Blast is, however, quite fun, as it blows up enemies sky-high.How to do Blast Damage in Warframe? Warframe corrosive dmg.

Scenario A - 5 minute fight:

  • Pull:Dark Soul: Misery, Berserking and Summon Darkglare
  • 2 minutes:Dark Soul: Misery
  • 4 minutes:Dark Soul: Misery, Berserking and Summon Darkglare

Here you see that I waited with the second Summon Darkglare for an entire minute to line it up with Dark Soul: Misery. It doesn’t matter waiting because I don’t lose any uses.

Scenario B - 7 minute fight:

  • Pull: Dark Soul: Misery, Berserking and Summon Darkglare
  • 2 minutes:Dark Soul: Misery
  • 3 minutes:Berserking and Summon Darkglare
  • 4 minutes:Dark Soul: Misery
  • 6 minutes:Dark Soul: Misery, Berserking and Summon Darkglare

In this fight I had to use my second Berserking and Summon Darkglare by itself but it will line up perfectly at 6 minutes with my Dark Soul: Misery. Mac os x mountain lion free download.

Unstable Affliction Usage:

You should aim for a 100% uptime on Unstable Affliction throughout the entire fight. However before Summon Darkglare you want to start saving your Soul Shards that you have five of them ready for it. Make sure to dump all of your Unstable Afflictions before the fight ends.

You should always dot up targets that are about to die with Unstable Affliction. You get your Soul Shard refunded if a target dies that is affected by Unstable Affliction.

How Does Affliction Does Aoe Dmg

Seed of Corruption vs. Unstable Affliction:

Usually it’s worth to dot all targets instead of spamming Seed of Corruption. You only use it to apply Corruption on every target. You need around 7-8 targets that Seed of Corruption becomes better. However if the targets don’t live long enough for your dots, it is worth to use Seed of Corruption. If you play Sow the Seeds you can already use Seed of Corruption on 3-4 targets.

How Does Affliction Does Aoe Dmg Take


Pandemic is a mechanic that allows you to refresh your dots when they have less than 30% of their duration remaining and adds the new dots duration onto the old one.

  • Agony: 18 seconds base, <5.4 seconds Pandemic, 23 seconds max
  • Corruption: 14 seconds base, <4.2 seconds Pandemic, 18 seconds max
  • Siphon Life: 15 seconds base, <4.5 seconds Pandemic, 19 seconds max

Pet Choice:

How Does Affliction Does Aoe Dmg Open

  • Imp: Good choice for target swapping
  • Felhunter: Perfect choice for Mythic+ for the interrupt and offensive dispel
  • Voidwalker: Does AoE damage which makes it really strong in dungeons if there is no interrupt required
  • Succubus: Basically pointless in PvE


How Does Affliction Does Aoe Dmg Mean

Affliction has really good movement. If you are required to move you can always re-apply Agony, Corruption or Siphon Life. Deathbolt is also an instant cast.

How Does Affliction Does Aoe Dmg Work

A lot of movement can also be already planned ahead with a clever use of your Demonic Circle or Demonic Gateway.


How Does Affliction Does Aoe Dmg Stand

For big hits you should always activate Unending Resolve or Dark Pact (if talented). Healthstones and Coastal Healing Potions are really useful as well. If you see you have neither of these tools ready it is worth asking a healer for an external. A great way to see which externals are ready is the Add-On “Exorsus Raid Tools”.