Swtor Gunslinger Or Scoundrel Dmg

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Swtor Gunslinger Or Scoundrel Dmg
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Cool Head
Smuggler Base Ability
Restores Energy
Smuggler Base Ability
Cleanses All hostile Effects and Increases Change to Dodge Ranged/Melee Attacks by 100%
Kolto Cloud
Scoundrel Top Tier Skill Tree Ability: Sawbones Spec
Upper Hand
Scoundrel Ability Proc
Increases Damage Output (And Healing if Spec'd) and Allows the use of Special Scoundrel Abilities
(3 Stacks Max)
Scoundrel Base Ability
Increases Stealth Level by 15 for 8 Secs
Lucky Shots
Base Class Buff
Increase Critical Chance by 5%
Defense Screen
Smuggler Base Ability
Absorbs about 5k Damage
Scoundrel Base Ability
Grants Upper Hand and Increases Alacrity by 10% for 15 Secs
Slow-Release Medpack
Scoundrel Skill Tree Ability: Sawbones Spec
Single Target HOT (2 Stacks Max)
Kolto Pack
Scoundrel Base Ability
Heals the Target Immediately and then Applies a HOT
Scoundrel Skill Tree Buff: Dirty Fighting Spec
Next Kolto Pack Activates Instantly and Requires No Energy and Upper Hand
Fight or Flight
Scoundrel Skill Tree Buff: Scrapper Spec
Increases Movement Speed by 50% for 6 Secs
Unfair Advantage
Scoundrel Skill Tree Buff: Dirty Fighting Spec
Allows The Next Wounding Shots To Regrant Upper Hand and Costs No Energy
Surprise Comeback
Scoundrel Skill Tree Buff: Scrapper Spec
Heals for 4% of Maximum Hp Every 3 Secs While Pugnacity is Active
Rolling Punches
Scoundrel Skill Tree Buff: Scrapper Spec
Increases Alacrity by 6% for 15 Secs
Hold Out Defenses
Scoundrel and Gunslinger skill Tree Buff: Dirty Fighting Spec
Increases Movement Speed by 50% for 2 Secs
Scoundrel Base Ability
Roll 12m (6m if Slowed) and Increases Defenses by 30 for Duration
Smuggle (Icon for The Person Using Smuggle)
Scoundrel Base Ability
Cloaks All Groups Members within 10m in a Temporary Cloak Field
Smuggle (Icon for The Person Being Smuggled)
Scoundrel Base Ability
Cloaks All Groups Members within 10m in a Temporary Cloak Field

Flechette Round (DOT)
Scoundrel Top Tier Skill Tree Ability: Scrapper Spec
Cleansable by Tech Healers

Vital Shot (DOT)
Smuggler Base Ability
Cleansable by Tech Healers

Sabotage Charge (Explodes on Damage)
Smuggler Base Ability
Cleansable by Tech Healers

Shrap Bomb (DOT)
Scoundrel and Gunslinger Skill Tree Ability: Dirty Fighting Spec

Sharp Bomb (Slow (Applied from Sharp Bomb))
Scoundrel and Gunslinger Skill Tree Ability: Dirty Fighting Spec - Comes From Sharp Bomb
Cleansable by Tech Healers
Flash Bang (8 Sec Mezz)
Smuggler Base Ability
Cleansable by Tech Healers
Tendon Blast (Slow for 12 Secs)
Cleansable by Tech Healers
Tranquilizer (8 Sec Mezz)
Scoundrel Base Ability - This ability is currently bugged and can't be cleansed
Cleansable by Tech/Force Healers Healers

Vital Shot (Weak Version) (Applied When Vital Shot Ends/Cleansed)
Scoundrel and Gunslinger Skill Tree Ability: Dirty Fighting Spec
Cleansable by Tech Healers

Sharp Bomb (Weak Version) (Applied When Sharp Bomb Ends/Cleansed)
Scoundrel and Gunslinger Skill Tree Ability: Dirty Fighting Spec
Cleansable by Tech Healers
Stopping Power (Roots The Target for 2 Secs)
Scoundrel Skill Tree Debuff from Tendon Blast: Scrapper Spec

Not Cleansable

Hemorrhaging Blast (Increases DOT damage)
Scoundrel and Gunslinger Top Tier Skill Tree Ability: Dirty Fighting Spec
Not Cleansable
K.O. (Knocked Down From Shoot First (Opener) (2 Sec Stun))
Scoundrel Skill Tree: Scrapper Spec

Sedatives (Reduces DPS Output by 50%)
Scoundrel Skill Tree Debuff From Tranquilizer: Sawbones Spec
Not Cleansable
Disappearing Act
Scoundrel Debuff when using In-Combat Stealth
Not Cleansable (Removed After Exiting Stealth or 10 Secs)
Smuggler Base Ability- Interrupts the Targets Current Action

Heart Trigger Patch
Scoundrel Base Ability- Battle Revive
Not Cleansable
Dirty Kick (Stuns the Target for 4 Secs)
Smuggler Base Ability
Not Cleansable
Flash Powder (Reduces Accuracy by 20% for 8 Secs)
Scoundrel and Gunslinger Skill Tree Ability: Dirty Fighting Spec
Not Cleansable
Swtor Gunslinger Or Scoundrel Dmg

Swtor Gunslinger Or Scoundrel Dmg Pc

SWTOR 4.0 Ruffian Scoundrel Guide by Ironballs. This guide covers both PvE and PvP. As a Ruffian Scoundrel you take 30% less damage from periodic damage. Save purge for situation when you really need it. Only Scoundrel and Gunslinger have this option, but Gunslinger can barely utilize it. This means, you can do a hardstun on enemy’s. Yeah this doesnt help me much as I cant look up a class, say Bounty hunter, and see the different talent trees and specs to help me make any decisions at all. Its a hit or miss as in “does anyone have a guide up for the specific class and spec out of all 8 specs and if they do, are they going to even tell me anything I need to know.