Monk 1h Vs 2h Sheet Dmg

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I will delete the virtual machine and try something else. My motherboard has an incompatible ICH7 SATA controller that I couldn’t get working. I only need osx for a little while. Virtualbox for mac download. Hi, I only get the option to reinstall the OS and then it gives me the message “This is not a supported way to install the OS, please run Install “OS X El that you downloaded from the app store” (see pictures). Thanks for the guide.

ATK% vs CRT dmg% (answered) Jun 22, 2018 21:23:05 GMT
  • Member

Sheet DPS = Base Stat Factor. If you are a Monk and have 7000 DEX then your Base Stat Factor is 7000% or just plain 70. Storage cleaner for mac 10.9.5. But this post is already too long so come back to next week for an all new edition of Basic Theorycrafting where we will go indepth on how changing gear affects our factors and in turn our DPS. Windwalker Monk PvE Stat Priority - 8.2.5. The below Stat Priority recommendation is based on a mix of SimulationCraft, spreadsheets, in-game testing and through collaboration with other players. Understanding the priority will help you make decisions on which gear to use and how to optimize it, helping improve your overall DPS performance.


Post by Blerfy on Jun 22, 2018 21:23:05 GMT

1h 2h 3h

Im actually kinda confused xD
will +ATK% or +Critical Dmg% increase melee dmg more after the balance patch?
I heard +ATK% will because of the crt dmg nerf but. will that really be the case? I wish I hadnt waited too long to test it my self in the test server lol. well too late now xD did anyone test this to figure it out? ╮( ̄▽ ̄; )╭ I wanna know if I need to change my gears or not
edit: upon testing, CRT dmg% has fallen quite far, and ATK% triumphs over it.
Monk 1h Vs 2h Sheet Dmg

1h 1h 2h 2h Perfluorodecyltriethoxysilane

Only weapon I can recall is the 2h shovel that proc'd summoned food. Ariaan Post subject: Re: Best Monk Weapons by Expansion. It was like a 19/20 2H weapon or something that gave an insanely high dmg/speed ratio + the 2H bonus. I got the post-nerf version (Imbued Fighter's staff) which was 39/40. Best Monk Weapons. 2h v duel wield 1h, Weapon DMG vs Weapon Speed; Search Search all Forums Search this Forum Search this Thread. So, is it more viable to duel wield as a Monk? Or is it better to use a 2h. Is it better to have a weapon with MAX DMG or MORE DPS?