Gw2 Does Critical Boost Condition Dmg

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Dragonhunter is the first Elite Specialization the Guardian got and is one of the best lines in PvE in general. It offers a bunch of extra damage modifiers that are fairly easy to keep up, a lot of utility in form of new and (for the most part) improved virtues and more burst in form of traps. Everything in PvE is total garbage if not a condi warrior using berserker, sadly. It’s not that base warrior is nerfed to the point of being impossible to do anything with anymore, it’s just that condi warrior has been buffed so tremendously that everything kind of pales in comparison to it. The chance of a critical hit is determined by the precision attribute and any bonuses to critical chance such as from fury or from certain skills and traits. Critical hits deal 150% damage by default, and this multiplier, known as critical damage, can be increased by the ferocity attribute.

Gw2 Does Critical Boost Condition Dmg Build

Critical damage from trait is multiplicative to damage unlike nearly everything that is additive to damage in the game. Unless you have near 0 critical chance, this is likely your #1 damage boost as a Mesmer and almost beats every other damage trait on any class (if target under 50% health or target is CC'd, it is the best). The Shortbow is a purely condition focused weapon, and the new Kalla’s Fervor give a massive boost to condition damage and critical damage. Mac os emulator. Most of the trait lines also focus on giving out.


Gw2 Does Critical Boost Condition Dmg 3


Gw2 Does Critical Boost Condition Dmg Work

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