Dmg Create Magic Items Tables 5e

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Random Tables of the Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition Dungeon Master's Guide. By Mike Shea on 26 May 2015. The 5th Edition Dungeon Master's Guide is packed with useful information for your 5e Dungeons and Dragons game. One of its most useful features is the huge amount of random tables. The Dungeon Master’s Guide provides the inspiration and the guidance you need to spark your imagination and create worlds of adventure for your players to explore and enjoy. Inside you’ll find world-building tools, tips and tricks for creating memorable dungeons and adventures, optional game rules, hundreds of classic D&D magic items,. The link doesn't pull up for me, but if you're referring to the XGE tables on pages 140-145, that's not exactly what I'm looking for. What I'm looking for is like the Magic Item Tables where it's like roll d100 and it has magic items from the DMG and XGE and others.

  1. Dmg Magic Item Tables

Treasure hoards are more fully described in the DMG (pg. 133); here’s a sample treasure hoard table for your perusal. The Dungeon Master's Guide. The Dungeon Master’s Guide provides the inspiration and the guidance you need to spark your imagination and create worlds of adventure for your players to explore and enjoy. Inside you’ll find world-building tools, tips and tricks for creating memorable dungeons. Nov 30, 2014  Re: DMG Best common/uncommon magic items? Originally Posted by yorkshiredave Can I ask about the sort of wands Wizards made in 3.5e, the ones that had such potential to unbalance a game with massive firepower, a wand of Fireballs at level 5 for example. You can find Magic Items in the Dungeon Master’s Guide Chapter 7 (Treasure) as well as Magic Items using Guidelines in Chapter 9 (Dungeon Master’s Workshop) See a spreadsheet of spells and their components here. Crafting Magic Items: A Guide to Artifice, Dungeon Masters Guild. 3.5e Table for Spell Component Costs. These tables are intended as a general reference and guideline regarding what a party of adventurers might get on the open market for an item if they worked at it. The main purpose for this page is to provide data for discussion of in-party pricing of magic items when loot is distributed.

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To create magic items, spellcasters use special feats. They invest time, money, and their own personal energy (in the form of experience points) in an item’s creation.

Note that all items have prerequisites in their descriptions. These prerequisites must be met for the item to be created. Most of the time, they take the form of spells that must be known by the item’s creator (although access through another magic item or spellcaster is allowed).

While item creation costs are handled in detail below, note that normally the two primary factors are the caster level of the creator and the level of the spell or spells put into the item. A creator can create an item at a lower caster level than her own, but never lower than the minimum level needed to cast the needed spell. Using metamagic feats, a caster can place spells in items at a higher level than normal.

Magic supplies for items are always half of the base price in gp and 1/25 of the base price in XP. For many items, the market price equals the base price.

Armor, shields, weapons, and items with a value independent of their magically enhanced properties add their item cost to the market price. The item cost does not influence the base price (which determines the cost of magic supplies and the experience point cost), but it does increase the final market price.

In addition, some items cast or replicate spells with costly material components or with XP components. For these items, the market price equals the base price plus an extra price for the spell component costs. Each XP in the component costs adds 5 gp to the market price. The cost to create these items is the magic supplies cost and the base XP cost (both determined by the base price) plus the costs for the components. Descriptions of these items include an entry that gives the total cost of creating the item.

The creator also needs a fairly quiet, comfortable, and well-lit place in which to work. Any place suitable for preparing spells is suitable for making items. Creating an item requires one day per 1,000 gp in the item’s base price, with a minimum of at least one day. Potions are an exception to this rule; they always take just one day to brew. The character must spend the gold and XP at the beginning of the construction process.

The caster works for 8 hours each day. He cannot rush the process by working longer each day. But the days need not be consecutive, and the caster can use the rest of his time as he sees fit.

A character can work on only one item at a time. If a character starts work on a new item, all materials used and XP spent on the under-construction item are wasted.

The secrets of creating artifacts are long lost.

Table: Summary of Magic Item Creation Costs
Magic ItemFeatItem CostSpell Component CostsMagic Supplies CostBase Price4
  1. Rods usable as weapons must include the masterwork weapon cost.
  2. This cost is only for spells activated by the item that have material or XP components. Having a spell with a costly component as a prerequisite does not automatically incur this cost if the item doesn’t actually cast the spell.
  3. If purchasing a staff, the buyer pays 5 × the XP value in gold pieces.
  4. A character creating an item pays 1/25 the base price in experience points.
  5. Some items have additional value from a masterwork item component.

An item’s market price is the sum of the item cost, spell component costs, and the base price.

ArmorCraft Magic
Arms And Armor
Cost × 50
(usually none)
× 50 (usually none) × 5 gp½ the value on Table: Armor and ShieldsValue on Table: Armor and Shields
ShieldCraft Magic
Arms And Armor
× 50 (usually none)× 50 (usually none) × 5 gp½ the value on Table: Armor and ShieldsValue on Table: Armor and Shields
WeaponCraft Magic
Arms And Armor
× 50 (usually none)× 50 (usually none) × 5 gp½ the value on Table: WeaponsValue on Table: Weapons
PotionBrew PotionCost (usually none)Cost (usually none)25 × level of spell × level of caster50 × level of spell × level of caster
RingForge Ring × 50× 50 × 5 gpSpecial, see Table: Estimating Magic
Item Gold Price Values
Special, see Table: Estimating Magic
Item Gold Price Values
RodCraft Rod1× 50 (often none)× 50 (often none)Special, see Table: Estimating Magic
Item Gold Price Values
Special, see Table: Estimating Magic
Item Gold Price Values
ScrollScribe ScrollCost (usually none)Cost (usually none)12.5 × level of spell × level of caster25 × level of spell × level of caster
StaffCraft StaffMasterwork
× 50 / (# of charges
used to activate spell)
× 50 × 5 gp / (# of charges
used to activate spell)
See Creating StaffsSee Creating Staffs
WandCraft Wand× 50× 50 × 5 gp375 × level of spell × level of caster750 × level of spell × level of caster
Wondrous Item
5× 50 (usually none)× 50 (usually none)× 5 gpSpecial, see Table: Estimating Magic
Item Gold Price Values
Special, see Table: Estimating Magic
Item Gold Price Values
Table: Estimating Magic Item Gold Piece Values
  1. A 0-level spell is half the value of a 1st-level spell for determining price.
  2. Such as a luck, insight, sacred, or profane bonus.
  3. If a continuous item has an effect based on a spell with a duration measured in rounds, multiply the cost by 4. If the duration of the spell is 1 minute/level, multiply the cost by 2, and if the duration is 10 minutes/level, multiply the cost by 1.5. If the spell has a 24-hour duration or greater, divide the cost in half.
  4. See Body Slot Affinities.
  5. An item that does not take up one of the spaces on a body costs double.
  6. If item is continuous or unlimited, not charged, determine cost as if it had 100 charges. If it has some daily limit, determine as if it had 50 charges.
EffectBase PriceExample
Ability bonus (enhancement)Bonus squared × 1,000 gpGloves of Dexterity +2
Armor bonus (enhancement)Bonus squared × 1,000 gp+1 chainmail
Bonus spellSpell level1 squared × 1,000 gpPearl of power
AC bonus (deflection)Bonus squared × 2,000 gpRing of protection +3
AC bonus (other)2Bonus squared × 2,500 gpIoun stone, dusty rose prism
Natural armor bonus (enhancement)Bonus squared × 2,000 gpAmulet of natural armor +1
Save bonus (resistance)Bonus squared × 1,000 gpCloak of resistance +5
Save bonus (other)2Bonus squared × 2,000 gpStone of good luck
Skill bonus (competence)Bonus squared × 100 gpCloak of elvenkind
Spell resistance10,000 gp per point over SR 12; SR 13 minimumMantle of spell resistance
Weapon bonus (enhancement)Bonus squared × 2,000 gp+1 longsword
Spell EffectBase PriceExample
Single use, spell completionSpell level1 × caster level × 25 gpScroll of haste
Single use, use-activatedSpell level1 × caster level × 50 gpPotion of cure light wounds
50 charges, spell triggerSpell level1 × caster level × 750 gpWand of fireball
Command wordSpell level1 × caster level × 1,800 gpCape of the mountebank
Use-activated or continuousSpell level1 × caster level × 2,000 gp3Lantern of revealing
SpecialBase Price AdjustmentExample
Charges per dayDivide by (5 divided by charges per day)Boots of teleportation
Uncustomary space limitation4Multiply entire cost by 1.5Helm of teleportation
No space limitation5Multiply entire cost by 2Ioun stone
Multiple different abilitiesMultiply lower item cost by 1.5Helm of brilliance
Charged (50 charges)½ unlimited use base priceRing of the ram
ComponentExtra CostExample
Armor, shield, or weaponAdd cost of masterwork item+1 composite longbow
Spell has material component costAdd directly into price of item per charge6Wand of stoneskin
Spell has XP costAdd 5 gp per 1 XP per charge6Ring of three wishes

Magic Item Gold Piece Values

Many factors must be considered when determining the price of new magic items. The easiest way to come up with a price is to match the new item to an item that is already priced that price as a guide. Otherwise, use the guidelines summarized on Table: Estimating Magic Item Gold Price Values.

Multiple Similar Abilities

For items with multiple similar abilities that don’t take up space on a character’s body use the following formula: Calculate the price of the single most costly ability, then add 75% of the value of the next most costly ability, plus one-half the value of any other abilities.

Multiple Different Abilities

Abilities such as an attack roll bonus or saving throw bonus and a spell-like function are not similar, and their values are simply added together to determine the cost. For items that do take up a space on a character’s body each additional power not only has no discount but instead has a 50% increase in price.

0-Level Spells

When multiplying spell levels to determine value, 0-level spells should be treated as ½ level.

Other Considerations

Once you have a final cost figure, reduce that number if either of the following conditions applies:

Item Requires Skill to Use

Some items require a specific skill to get them to function. This factor should reduce the cost about 10%.

Item Requires Specific Class or Alignment to Use

Even more restrictive than requiring a skill, this limitation cuts the cost by 30%.

Prices presented in the magic item descriptions (the gold piece value following the item’s caster level) are the market value, which is generally twice what it costs the creator to make the item.

Since different classes get access to certain spells at different levels, the prices for two characters to make the same item might actually be different. An item is only worth two times what the caster of lowest possible level can make it for. Calculate the market price based on the lowest possible level caster, no matter who makes the item.

Not all items adhere to these formulas directly. The reasons for this are several. First and foremost, these few formulas aren’t enough to truly gauge the exact differences between items. The price of a magic item may be modified based on its actual worth. The formulas only provide a starting point. The pricing of scrolls assumes that, whenever possible, a wizard or cleric created it. Potions and wands follow the formulas exactly. Staffs follow the formulas closely, and other items require at least some judgment calls.

Masterwork Items

Masterwork items are extraordinarily well-made items. They are more expensive, but they benefit the user with improved quality. They are not magical in any way. However, only masterwork items may be enhanced to become magic armor and weapons. (Items that are not weapons or armor may or may not be masterwork items.)

Creating Magic Armor

To create magic armor, a character needs a heat source and some iron, wood, or leatherworking tools. He also needs a supply of materials, the most obvious being the armor or the pieces of the armor to be assembled. Armor to be made into magic armor must be masterwork armor, and the masterwork cost is added to the base price to determine final market value. Additional magic supplies costs for the materials are subsumed in the cost for creating the magic armor—half the base price of the item.

Creating magic armor has a special prerequisite: The creator’s caster level must be at least three times the enhancement bonus of the armor. If an item has both an enhancement bonus and a special ability, the higher of the two caster level requirements must be met.

Magic armor or a magic shield must have at least a +1 enhancement bonus to have any of the abilities listed on Table: Armor Special Abilities and Table: Shield Special Abilities.

If spells are involved in the prerequisites for making the armor, the creator must have prepared the spells to be cast (or must know the spells, in the case of a sorcerer or bard), must provide any material components or focuses the spells require, and must pay any XP costs required for the spells. The act of working on the armor triggers the prepared spells, making them unavailable for casting during each day of the armor’s creation. (That is, those spell slots are expended from his currently prepared spells, just as if they had been cast.)

Creating some armor may entail other prerequisites beyond or other than spellcasting. See the individual descriptions for details.

Crafting magic armor requires one day for each 1,000 gp value of the base price.

Item Creation Feat Required

Craft Magic Arms and Armor.

Creating Magic Weapons

To create a magic weapon, a character needs a heat source and some iron, wood, or leatherworking tools. She also needs a supply of materials, the most obvious being the weapon or the pieces of the weapon to be assembled. Only a masterwork weapon can become a magic weapon, and the masterwork cost is added to the total cost to determine final market value. Additional magic supplies costs for the materials are subsumed in the cost for creating the magic weapon—half the base price given on Table: Weapons, according to the weapon’s total effective bonus.

Creating a magic weapon has a special prerequisite: The creator’s caster level must be at least three times the enhancement bonus of the weapon. If an item has both an enhancement bonus and a special ability the higher of the two caster level requirements must be met.

A magic weapon must have at least a +1 enhancement bonus to have any of the abilities listed on Table: Melee Weapon Special Abilities or Table: Ranged Weapon Special Abilities.

If spells are involved in the prerequisites for making the weapon, the creator must have prepared the spells to be cast (or must know the spells, in the case of a sorcerer or bard) but need not provide any material components or focuses the spells require, nor are any XP costs inherent in a prerequisite spell incurred in the creation of the item. The act of working on the weapon triggers the prepared spells, making them unavailable for casting during each day of the weapon’s creation. (That is, those spell slots are expended from his currently prepared spells, just as if they had been cast.)

At the time of creation, the creator must decide if the weapon glows or not as a side-effect of the magic imbued within it. This decision does not affect the price or the creation time, but once the item is finished, the decision is binding.

Creating magic double-headed weapons is treated as creating two weapons when determining cost, time, XP, and special abilities.

Creating some weapons may entail other prerequisites beyond or other than spellcasting. See the individual descriptions for details.

Crafting a magic weapon requires one day for each 1,000 gp value of the base price.

Item Creation Feat Required

Craft Magic Arms and Armor.

Creating Potions

The creator of a potion needs a level working surface and at least a few containers in which to mix liquids, as well as a source of heat to boil the brew. In addition, he needs ingredients. The costs for materials and ingredients are subsumed in the cost for brewing the potion—25 gp × the level of the spell × the level of the caster.

All ingredients and materials used to brew a potion must be fresh and unused. The character must pay the full cost for brewing each potion. (Economies of scale do not apply.)

The imbiber of the potion is both the caster and the target. Spells with a range of personal cannot be made into potions.

The creator must have prepared the spell to be placed in the potion (or must know the spell, in the case of a sorcerer or bard) and must provide any material component or focus the spell requires.

If casting the spell would reduce the caster’s XP total, he pays the XP cost upon beginning the brew in addition to the XP cost for making the potion itself. Material components are consumed when he begins working, but a focus is not. (A focus used in brewing a potion can be reused.) The act of brewing triggers the prepared spell, making it unavailable for casting until the character has rested and regained spells. (That is, that spell slot is expended from his currently prepared spells, just as if it had been cast.) Brewing a potion requires one day.

Item Creation Feat Required

Brew Potion.

Table: Potion Base Prices (By Brewer’s Class)
Spell LevelClr, Drd, WizSorBrdPal, Rgr1
  1. Caster level is half class level.

Prices assume that the potion was made at the minimum caster level.

025 gp25 gp25 gp
1st50 gp50 gp100 gp100 gp
2nd300 gp400 gp400 gp400 gp
3rd750 gp900 gp1,050 gp750 gp
Table: Base Cost to Brew a Potion (By Brewer’s Class)
Spell LevelClr, Drd, WizSorBrdPal, Rgr1
  1. Caster level is half class level.

Costs assume that the creator makes the potion at the minimum caster level.

012 gp 5 sp +1 XP12 gp 5 sp +1 XP12 gp 5 sp +1 XP
1st25 gp +2 XP25 gp +2 XP50 gp +4 XP50 gp +4 XP
2nd150 gp +12 XP200 gp +16 XP200 gp +16 XP200 gp +16 XP
3rd375 gp +30 XP450 gp +36 XP525 gp +42 XP375 gp +30 XP

Creating Rings

To create a magic ring, a character needs a heat source. He also needs a supply of materials, the most obvious being a ring or the pieces of the ring to be assembled. The cost for the materials is subsumed in the cost for creating the ring. Ring costs are difficult to formularize. Refer to Table: Estimating Magic Item Gold Price Values and use the ring prices in the ring descriptions as a guideline. Creating a ring generally costs half the ring’s market price.

Rings that duplicate spells with costly material or XP components add in the value of 50 × the spell’s component cost. Having a spell with a costly component as a prerequisite does not automatically incur this cost. The act of working on the ring triggers the prepared spells, making them unavailable for casting during each day of the ring’s creation. (That is, those spell slots are expended from his currently prepared spells, just as if they had been cast.)

Creating some rings may entail other prerequisites beyond or other than spellcasting. See the individual descriptions for details.

Forging a ring requires one day for each 1,000 gp of the base price.

Item Creation Feat Required

Forge Ring.

Creating Rods

To create a magic rod, a character needs a supply of materials, the most obvious being a rod or the pieces of the rod to be assembled. The cost for the materials is subsumed in the cost for creating the rod. Rod costs are difficult to formularize. Refer to Table: Estimating Magic Item Gold Price Values and use the rod prices in the rod descriptions as a guideline. Creating a rod costs half the market value listed.

If spells are involved in the prerequisites for making the rod, the creator must have prepared the spells to be cast (or must know the spells, in the case of a sorcerer or bard) but need not provide any material components or focuses the spells require, nor are any XP costs inherent in a prerequisite spell incurred in the creation of the item. The act of working on the rod triggers the prepared spells, making them unavailable for casting during each day of the rod’s creation. (That is, those spell slots are expended from his currently prepared spells, just as if they had been cast.)

Creating some rods may entail other prerequisites beyond or other than spellcasting. See the individual descriptions for details.

Crafting a rod requires one day for each 1,000 gp of the base price.

Item Creation Feat Required

Craft Rod.

Creating Scrolls

To create a scroll, a character needs a supply of choice writing materials, the cost of which is subsumed in the cost for scribing the scroll—12.5 gp × the level of the spell × the level of the caster.

All writing implements and materials used to scribe a scroll must be fresh and unused. A character must pay the full cost for scribing each spell scroll no matter how many times she previously has scribed the same spell.

The creator must have prepared the spell to be scribed (or must know the spell, in the case of a sorcerer or bard) and must provide any material component or focus the spell requires. If casting the spell would reduce the caster’s XP total, she pays the cost upon beginning the scroll in addition to the XP cost for making the scroll itself. Likewise, a material component is consumed when she begins writing, but a focus is not. (A focus used in scribing a scroll can be reused.) The act of writing triggers the prepared spell, making it unavailable for casting until the character has rested and regained spells. (That is, that spell slot is expended from her currently prepared spells, just as if it had been cast.)

Scribing a scroll requires one day per each 1,000 gp of the base price.

Item Creation Feat Required

Scribe Scroll.

Table: Scroll Base Prices (By Scriber’s Class)
Spell LevelClr, Drd, WizSorBrdPal, Rgr1
  1. Caster level is half class level.

Prices assume that the scroll was made at the minimum caster level.

012 gp 5 sp12 gp 5 sp12 gp 5 sp
1st25 gp25 gp50 gp50 gp
2nd150 gp200 gp200 gp200 gp
3rd375 gp450 gp525 gp375 gp
4th700 gp800 gp1,000 gp700 gp
5th1,125 gp1,250 gp1,625 gp
6th1,650 gp1,800 gp2,400 gp
7th2,275 gp2,450 gp
8th3,000 gp3,200 gp
9th3,825 gp4,050 gp
Table: Base Magic Supplies and XP Cost to Scribe a Scroll (By Scriber’s Class)
Spell LevelClr, Drd, WizSorBrdPal, Rgr1
  1. Caster level is half class level.

Costs assume that the creator makes the scroll at the minimum caster level.

06 gp 2 sp 5 cp +1 XP6 gp 2 sp 5 cp +1 XP6 gp 2 sp 5 cp +1 XP
1st12 gp 5 sp +1 XP12 gp 5 sp +1 XP25 gp +1 XP25 gp +2 XP
2nd75 gp +6 XP100 gp +8 XP100 gp +8 XP100 gp +8 XP
3rd187 gp 5 sp +15 XP225 gp +18 XP262 gp 5 sp +21 XP187 gp 5 sp +15 XP
4th350 gp +28 XP400 gp +32 XP500 gp +40 XP350 gp +28 XP
5th562 gp 5 sp +45 XP625 gp +50 XP812 gp 5 sp +65 XP
6th826 gp +66 XP900 gp +72 XP1,200 gp +96 XP
7th1,135 gp 5 sp +91 XP1,225 gp +98 XP
8th1,500 gp +120 XP1,600 gp +128 XP
9th1,912 gp 5 sp +153 XP2, 025 gp +162 XP

Creating Staffs

To create a magic staff, a character needs a supply of materials, the most obvious being a staff or the pieces of the staff to be assembled.

The cost for the materials is subsumed in the cost for creating the staff—375 gp × the level of the highest-level spell × the level of the caster, plus 75% of the value of the next most costly ability (281.25 gp × the level of the spell × the level of the caster), plus one-half of the value of any other abilities (187.5 gp × the level of the spell × the level of the caster). Staffs are always fully charged (50 charges) when created.

If desired, a spell can be placed into the staff at only half the normal cost, but then activating that particular spell costs 2 charges from the staff. The caster level of all spells in a staff must be the same, and no staff can have a caster level of less than 8th, even if all the spells in the staff are low-level spells.

The creator must have prepared the spells to be stored (or must know the spell, in the case of a sorcerer or bard) and must provide any focus the spells require as well as material and XP component costs sufficient to activate the spell a maximum number of times (50 divided by the number of charges one use of the spell expends). This is in addition to the XP cost for making the staff itself. Material components are consumed when he begins working, but focuses are not. (A focus used in creating a staff can be reused.) The act of working on the staff triggers the prepared spells, making them unavailable for casting during each day of the staff’s creation. (That is, those spell slots are expended from his currently prepared spells, just as if they had been cast.)

Creating a few staffs may entail other prerequisites beyond spellcasting. See the individual descriptions for details.

Crafting a staff requires one day for each 1,000 gp of the base price.

Item Creation Feat Required

Craft Staff.

Creating Wands

To create a magic wand, a character needs a small supply of materials, the most obvious being a baton or the pieces of the wand to be assembled. The cost for the materials is subsumed in the cost for creating the wand—375 gp × the level of the spell × the level of the caster. Wands are always fully charged (50 charges) when created.

The creator must have prepared the spell to be stored (or must know the spell, in the case of a sorcerer or bard) and must provide any focuses the spell requires. Fifty of each needed material component are required, one for each charge. If casting the spell would reduce the caster’s XP total, she pays the cost (multiplied by 50) upon beginning the wand in addition to the XP cost for making the wand itself. Likewise, material components are consumed when she begins working, but focuses are not. (A focus used in creating a wand can be reused.) The act of working on the wand triggers the prepared spell, making it unavailable for casting during each day devoted to the wand’s creation. (That is, that spell slot is expended from her currently prepared spells, just as if it had been cast.)

Crafting a wand requires one day per each 1,000 gp of the base price.

Item Creation Feat Required

Craft Wand.

Table: Wand Base Prices (By Crafter’s Class)
Spell LevelClr, Drd, WizSorBrdPal, Rgr1
  1. Caster level is half class level.

Prices assume that the wand was made at the minimum caster level.

0375 gp375 gp375 gp
1st750 gp750 gp1,500 gp1,500 gp
2nd4,500 gp6,000 gp6,000 gp6,000 gp
3rd11,250 gp13,500 gp15,750 gp11,250 gp
4th21,000 gp24,000 gp30,000 gp21,000 gp
Table: Base Magic Supplies and XP Cost to Craft a Wand (By Crafter’s Class)
Spell LevelClr, Drd, WizSorBrdPal, Rgr1
  1. Caster level is half class level.

Costs assume that the creator makes the wand at the minimum caster level.

0187 gp 5 sp +15 XP187 gp 5 sp +15 XP187 gp 5 sp +15 XP
1st375 gp +30 XP375 gp +30 XP750 gp +60 XP750 gp +60 XP
2nd2,250 gp +180 XP3,000 gp +240 XP3,000 gp +240 XP3,000 gp +240 XP
3rd5,625 gp +450 XP6,750 gp +540 XP7,875 gp +630 XP5,625 gp +450 XP
4th10,500 gp +840 XP12,000 gp +960 XP15,000 gp +1200 XP10,500 gp +840 XP

Creating Wondrous Items

To create a wondrous item, a character usually needs some sort of equipment or tools to work on the item. She also needs a supply of materials, the most obvious being the item itself or the pieces of the item to be assembled. The cost for the materials is subsumed in the cost for creating the item. Wondrous item costs are difficult to formularize. Refer to Table: Estimating Magic Item Gold Price Values and use the item prices in the item descriptions as a guideline. Creating an item costs half the market value listed.

If spells are involved in the prerequisites for making the item, the creator must have prepared the spells to be cast (or must know the spells, in the case of a sorcerer or bard) but need not provide any material components or focuses the spells require, nor are any XP costs inherent in a prerequisite spell incurred in the creation of the item. The act of working on the item triggers the prepared spells, making them unavailable for casting during each day of the item’s creation. (That is, those spell slots are expended from his currently prepared spells, just as if they had been cast.)

Creating some items may entail other prerequisites beyond or other than spellcasting. See the individual descriptions for details.

Crafting a wondrous item requires one day for each 1,000 gp of the base price.

Item Creation Feat Required

Craft Wondrous Item.

Intelligent Item Creation

To create an intelligent item, a character must have a caster level of 15th or higher. Time and creation cost are based on the normal item creation rules, with the market price values on Table: Item Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, and Capabilities treated as additions to time, gp cost, and XP cost. The item’s alignment is the same as its creator’s. Determine other features randomly, following the guidelines in the relevant section.

Adding New Abilities

A creator can add new magical abilities to a magic item with no restrictions. The cost to do this is the same as if the item was not magical. Thus, a +1 longsword can be made into a +2 vorpal longsword, with the cost to create it being equal to that of a +2 vorpal sword minus the cost of a +1 sword.

If the item is one that occupies a specific place on a character’s body the cost of adding any additional ability to that item increases by 50%. For example, if a character adds the power to confer invisibility to her ring of protection +2, the cost of adding this ability is the same as for creating a ring of invisibility multiplied by 1.5.

Table: Body Slot Affinities
Body SlotAffinity
Headband, helmetMental improvement, ranged attacks
PhylacteryMorale, alignment
Eye lenses, gogglesVision
Cloak, cape, mantleTransformation, protection
Amulet, brooch, medallion,
necklace, periapt, scarab
Protection, discernment
RobeMultiple effects
ShirtPhysical improvement
Vest, vestmentClass ability improvement
GauntletsDestructive power
BeltPhysical improvement

Body Slot Affinities

Each location on the body, or body slot, has one or more affinities: a word or phrase that describes the general function or nature of magic items designed for that body slot. Body slot affinities are deliberately broad, abstract categorizations, because a hard-and-fast rule can’t cover the great variety among wondrous items.

You can use the affinities in the list below to guide your decisions on which magic items should be allowed in which body slots. And when you design your own magic items, the affinities give you some guidance for what form a particular item should take.

Some body slots have different affinities for different specific items.

Wondrous items that don’t match the affinity for a particular body slot should cost 50% more than wondrous items that match the affinity.

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These tables are intended as a general reference and guidelineregarding what a party of adventurers might get on the openmarket for an item if they worked at it. The main purpose for thispage is to provide data for discussion of in-party pricing of magicitems when loot is distributed.

As there are no prices assigned to magic items in Second EditionAD&D, the prices on this page were arrived at by using1st Ed. DMG prices whenever possible, using 1stEd. Unearthed Arcana prices when the DMG didn't cover the item, usingHackMaster (4th Ed.) prices when neither AD&D sourceprovided a price and finally making something that seemed reasonableup in the few cases when none of those sources sufficed. Then theresults were adjusted where necessary to fit the economics of the gameworld.

Note that this is not the source I refer to for prices, andcertainly not what I refer to for the selection of magic items for mycampaign. I make use of a considerably larger, more customizedversion of this page - its evolutionary descendant, if you will. Thatversion contains far too many Things YouDon't Want To Know (the whole Miscellaneous Magic: Sausagestable, for example) to be used here. Suffice it to say that this pagemirrors that one wherever possible and should be sufficient for partyuse.

Table 88:

Magical Items

D20 RollCategory
46Miscellaneous Magic: Books and Tomes
47-48Miscellaneous Magic: Jewels and Jewelry
49-50Miscellaneous Magic: Cloaks and Robes
51-52Miscellaneous Magic: Boots and Gloves
53Miscellaneous Magic: Girdles and Helms
54-55Miscellaneous Magic: Bags and Bottles
56Miscellaneous Magic: Dusts and Stones
57Miscellaneous Magic: Household Items and Tools
58Miscellaneous Magic: Musical Instruments
59-60Miscellaneous Magic: The Weird Stuff
61-75Armor and Shields

Oncethe general category is determined, the DM can choose a specific itemfrom the tables below. (Each item on the tables is given a die rollnumber so that the DM can select items randomly, if he chooses.) Sometables have several subtables. Each subtable has a range of numbersin parentheses at the top. To select the appropriate subtable, checkthe die listed after the table's title. Roll the listed die and findthe result in the number range at the top of one of the subtables.This is the subtable you read to determine which item in the list hasbeen found.

Forexample, the Potions and Oils table has '(D6)' after the title.That means you roll a 6-sided die to determine which Subtable (A, B,or C) to read. If you roll a 2, for example, you check subtable A(which has '1-2' at the top); if you roll a 6, you readsubtable C (which has '5-6' at the top). Roll 1d20 on theappropriate subtable to determine the specific item found. Then turnto the descriptions following the tables to find out what each itemdoes.

Potions and Oils (D6)

Subtable A (1-2)

1Animal Control*250400
8Dragon Control*7005,000-9,000
9Elixir of Health3502,000
10-11Elixir of Madness**~~~~
12Elixir of Youth50010,000
16Fire Breath4004,000
17Fire Resistance250400
19Gaseous Form300400
20DM's Choice~~~~

Subtable B (3-4)

1Giant Control*6001,000-6,000
2Giant Strength* (Warrior)550900-1,400
6Heroism (Warrior)300500
7Human Control*500900
9Invulnerability (Warrior)350500
12Oil of Acid Resistance5005,000
13Oil of Disenchantment7503,500
14Oil of Elemental Invulnerability*5005,000
15Oil of Etherealness6001,500
16Oil of Fiery Burning5004,000
17Oil of Fumbling**~~1,000
18Oil of Impact7505,000
19Oil of Slipperiness400750
20DM's Choice~~~~

Subtable C (5-6)

1Oil of Timelessness5002,000
2Philter of Glibness5002,500
3Philter of Love200300
4Philter of Persuasiveness400850
5Philter of Stammering and Stuttering**~~1,500
6Plant Control250300
9Polymorph Self200350
10Rainbow Hues200800
12-13Super-heroism (Warrior)450750
14Sweet Water200250
15Treasure Finding6002,000
16Undead Control*7002,500
19Water Breathing400900
20DM's Choice~~~~

* The type of creature affected can be determined by die roll (seethe specific item description for more information).

** The DM shouldn't reveal the exact nature of the potion.

Scrolls (D6)

Subtable A (1-4)

Item*Level Range**
1-31 spell1-4
4-51 spell1-6
61 spell2-9 (2-7**)
72 spells1-4
82 spells2-9 (2-7**)
93 spells1-4
103 spells2-9 (2-7**)
114 spells1-6
124 spells1-8 (1-6**)
135 spells1-6
145 spells1-8 (1-6**)
156 spells1-6
166 spells3-8 (3-6**)
177 spells1-8
187 spells2-9 (2-7**)
197 spells4-9 (4-7**)
20DM's Choice ~~

* See 'Scrolls' in Appendix 3 to determine whether apriest scroll or a wizard scroll is found.

** Level Range lists the range of spell levels on the scroll.Ranges marked with double asterisks (**) are used to determine priestspells.

Experience Point Value:

The XP Value (experience point value) for spell scrolls is equal tothe total spell levels contained on the scroll x 100.

Gold Piece Sale Value:

Any scroll can be sold in the 'open market' for 300gp times itstotal spell levels or 5 times its XP value.

Subtable B (5-6)

2Protection - Acid2,500
3Protection - Cold2,000
4Protection - Dragon Breath2,000
5Protection - Electricity1,500
6-7Protection - Elementals1,500
8Protection - Fire2,000
9Protection - Gas2,000
10-11Protection - Lycanthropes1,000
12Protection - Magic1,500
13Protection - Petrification2,000
14Protection - Plants1,000
15Protection - Poison1,000
16Protection - Possession2,000
17Protection - Undead1,500
18Protection - Water1,500

Rings (D6)

Subtable A (1-4)

1Animal Friendship1,0005,000
3Chameleon Power1,0005,000
8Djinni Summoning*3,00020,000
9Elemental Command5,00025,000
10Feather Falling1,0005,000
11Fire Resistance1,0005,000
12Free Action1,0005,000
13Human Influence2,00010,000
17Mammal Control*1,0005,000
18Mind Shielding5005,000
19Protection1,000**see below
20DM's Choice~~~~

Subtable B (5-6)

1-2Protection1,000**see below
3Ram, Ring of the*7507,500
5Shocking Grasp1,0005,000
6Shooting Stars3,00015,000
7Spell Storing2,50022,500
8Spell Turning2,00017,500
14Water Walking1,0005,000
16Wishes, Multiple*5,00025,000
17Wishes, Three*3,00015,000
18Wizardry* (Wizard)4,00050,000
19X-Ray Vision4,00035,000
20DM's Choice~~~~

*The power of these rings is limited by the number of charges.

** per +1 of protection (XP only)

Level of ProtectionMarket Value
83+2, 5-foot radius protection15,000
91+3, 5-foot radius protection25,000
92-97+4 on AC, +2 to saving throws24,000
98-00+6 on AC, +1 to saving throws30,000
40% of these rings have secondary bonuses vs. certain types of attacks, which further affects the price.


1-2Absorption (Priest, Wizard)7,50040,000
5Beguiling (Priest, Wizard, Rogue)5,00030,000
9Lordly Might (Warrior)6,00020,000
11Resurrection (Priest)10,00035,000
?Scepter of Entrapment3,00045,000
15-16Smiting (Priest, Wizard)4,00015,000
20DM's Choice~~~~


3Command (Priest, Wizard)5,00025,000
4-5Curing (Priest)6,00025,000
6Magi (Wizard)15,00075,000
7Power (Wizard)12,00060,000
8Serpent (Priest)7,00035,000
9-10Slinging (Priest)2,00010,000
13-14Striking (Priest, Wizard)6,00015,000
15Swarming Insects (Priest, Wizard)100**500**
16Thunder & Lightning8,00020,000
19Woodlands (Druid)8,00040,000
20DM's Choice~~~~

* per +1 of power

** per charge


1Conjuration (Wizard)7,00035,000
2Earth and Stone1,00010,000-15,000
3Enemy Detection2,00010,000
4Fear (Priest, Wizard)3,00015,000
5Fire (Wizard)4,50025,000
6Flame Extinguishing1,50010,000
7Frost (Wizard)6,00050,000
9Illusion (Wizard)3,00020,000
10Lightning (Wizard)4,00030,000
11Magic Detection2,50025,000
12Magic Missiles4,00035,000
13Metal and Mineral Detection1,5007,500
15Paralyzation (Wizard)3,50025,000
16Polymorphing (Wizard)3,50025,000
17Secret Door and Trap Location5,00040,000
18Size Alteration3,00020,000
20DM's Choice~~~~

Miscellaneous Magic: Books, Librams, Manuals, Tomes

1-3Boccob's Blessed Book (Wizard)4,50035,000
4Book of Exalted Deeds (Priest)8,00040,000
5Book of Infinite Spells9,00050,000
6Book of Vile Darkness (Priest)8,00040,000
7Libram of Gainful Conjuration (Wizard)8,00040,000
8Libram of Ineffable Damnation (Wizard)8,00040,000
9Libram of Silver Magic (Wizard)8,00040,000
10Manual of Bodily Health5,00050,000
11Manual of Gainful Exercise5,00050,000
12Manual of Golems (Priest, Wizard)3,00030,000
13Manual of Puissant Skill at Arms (Warrior)8,00040,000
14Manual of Quickness in Action5,00050,000
15Manual of Stealthy Pilfering (Rogue)8,00040,000
16Tome of Clear Thought8,00048,000
17Tome of Leadership and Influence7,50040,000
18Tome of Understanding8,00043,500
19Vacuous Grimoire~~1,000
20DM's Choice~~~~

Miscellaneous Magic: Jewels, Jewelry, Phylacteries (D6)

Subtable A (1-3)

1Amulet of Inescapable Location~~1,000
2Amulet of Life Protection5,00020,000
3Amulet of the Planes6,00030,000
4Amulet of Proof Against Detection and Location4,00015,000
5Amulet Versus Undead200*1000
6Beads of Force200 ea.1000 ea.
7Brooch of Shielding1,00010,000
8Gem of Brightness2,00017,500
9Gem of Insight3,00030,000
10Gem of Seeing2,00025,000
11Jewel of Attacks~~1,000
12Jewel of Flawlessness~~1,000/facet
13Medallion of ESP2,000
(was 1K/3K)
14Medallion of Thought Projection~~1,000
15Necklace of Adaptation1,00010,000
16-17Necklace of Missiles100**200**
18Necklace of Prayer Beads (Priest)500***3,000***
19Necklace of Strangulation~~1,000
20DM's Choice~~~~

Subtable B (4-6)

1Pearl of Power (Wizard)200*2,000*
2Pearl of the Sirines9004,500
3Pearl of Wisdom (Priest)5005,000
4Periapt of Foul Rotting~~1,000
5Periapt of Health1,00010,000
6Periapt of Proof Against Poison1,50012,500
7Periapt of Wound Closure1,00010,000
8Phylactery of Faithfulness (Priest)1,0007,500
9Phylactery of Long Years (Priest)3,00025,000
10Phylactery of Monstrous Attention (Priest)~~2,000
11Scarab of Death~~2,500
12Scarab of Enraging Enemies1,0008,000
13Scarab of Insanity1,50011,000
14Scarab of Protection2,50025,000
15Scarab Versus Golems****15,000
16Talisman of Pure Good (Priest)3,50027,500
17Talisman of the Sphere (Wizard)10010,000
18Talisman of Ultimate Evil (Priest)3,50032,500
19Talisman of Zagy1,00010,000
20DM's Choice~~~~

* Per level

** Per die of damage

*** Per special bead

**** See item description

Miscellaneous Magic: Cloaks and Robes

1Cloak of Arachnida3,00025,000
2Cloak of Displacement3,00017,500
3-4Cloak of Elvenkind1,0006,000
5Cloak of Poisonousness~~2,500
6-8Cloak of Protection1,000*10,000*
9Cloak of the Bat1,50015,000
10Cloak of the Manta Ray2,00012,500
11Robe of the Archmagi (Wizard)6,00065,000
12Robe of Blending3,50035,000
13Robe of Eyes (Wizard)4,50050,000
14Robe of Powerlessness (Wizard)~~1,000
15Robe of Scintillating Colors (Priest, Wizard)2,75025,000
16Robe of Stars (Wizard)4,00012,000
17-18Robe of Useful Items (Wizard)1,50015,000
19Robe of Vermin (Wizard)~~1,000
20DM's Choice~~~~

* Per plus

Miscellaneous Magic: Boots, Bracers, Gloves

1Boots of Dancing~~5,000
2Boots of Elvenkind1,0005,000
3Boots of Levitation2,00015,000
4Boots of Speed2,50020,000
5Boots of Striding and Springing2,50020,000
6Boots of the North1,5007,500
7Boots of Varied Tracks1,5007,500
8Boots, Winged2,00020,000
9Bracers of Archery (Warrior)1,00010,000
10Bracers of Brachiation1,00010,000
11-12Bracers of Defense500*3,000*
13Bracers of Defenselessness~~2,000
14Gauntlets of Dexterity1,00010,000
15Gauntets of Fumbling~~1,000
16Gauntlets of Ogre Power (Priest, Rogue, Warrior)1,00015,000
17Gauntlets of Swimming and Climbing (Priest, Rogue, Warrior)1,00010,000
18Gloves of Missile Snaring1,50010,000
19Slippers of Spider Climbing1,00010,000
20DM's Choice~~~~

* Per AC of protection less than 10

Miscellaneous Magic: Girdles, Hats, Helms

1-3Girdle of Dwarvenkind3,50020,000
4Girdle of Femininity/Masculinity (Priest, Rogue, Warrior)~~1,000
5-6Girdle of Giant Strength (Priest, Rogue Warrior)2,00025,000
7-9Girdle of Many Pouches1,00010,000
10Hat of Disguise1,0007,500
11Hat of Stupidity~~1,000
12Helm of Brilliance2,50060,000
13-14Helm of Comprehending Languages and Reading Magic1,00012,500
15Helm of Opposite Alignment~~1,000
16Helm of Telepathy3,00035,000
17Helm of Teleportation2,50030,000
18-19Helm of Underwater Action1,00010,000
20DM's Choice~~~~

Miscellaneous Magic: Bags, Bottles, Pouches, Containers

1Alchemy Jug3,00012,000
2Bag of Beans1,0005,000
3Bag of Devouring~~1,500
4-7Bag of Holding5,00025,000
8Bag of Transmuting~~500
9Bag of Tricks2,50015,000
10Beaker of Plentiful Potions1,50012,500
11Bucknard's Everfull Purse*15K/25K/40K
12Decanter of Endless Water1,0003,000
13Efreeti Bottle9,00045,000
14Eversmoking Bottle5002,500
15Flask of Curses~~1,000
16Heward's Handy Haversack3,00030,000
17Iron Flask~~~~
18Portable Hole5,00050,000
19Pouch of Accessibility1,50012,500
20DM's Choice~~~~

* See item description

Miscellaneous Magic: Candles, Dusts, Ointments, Incense, and Stones

1Candle of Invocation (Priest)1,0005,000
2Dust of Appearance1,0004,000
3Dust of Disappearance2,0008,000
4Dust of Dryness1,0008,000
5Dust of Illusion1,000100/pinch
6Dust of Tracelessness500200/pinch
7Dust of Sneezing and Choking~~1,000
8Incense of Meditation (Priest)5007,500
9Incense of Obsession (Priest)~~500
10Ioun Stones300*5,000*
11Keoghtom's Ointment50010,000
12Nolzur's Marvelous Pigments500*3,000*
13Philosopher's Stone1,00010,000
14Smoke Powder**~~30,000
15Sovereign Glue1,000/oz.1,000/oz.
16Stone of Controlling Earth Elementals1,50012,500
17Stone of Good Luck (Luckstone)3,00025,000
18Stone of Weight (Loadstone)~~1,000
19Universal Solvent1,0007,000
20DM's Choice~~~~

* Per stone or pot of pigment

** This item is optional and should not be given unless the arquebus isallowed in the campaign.

Miscellaneous Magic: Household Items and Tools

1Brazier Commanding Fire Elementals (Wizard)4,00025,000
2Brazier of Sleep Smoke (Wizard)~~1,000
3Broom of Animated Attack~~3,000
4Broom of Flying2,00010,000
5Carpet of Flying7,50025,000
6Mattock of the Titans (Warrior)3,5007,000
7Maul of the Titans (Warrior)4,00012,000
8Mirror of Life Trapping (Wizard)2,50025,000
9Mirror of Mental Prowess5,00050,000
10Mirror of Opposition~~2,000
11Murlynd's Spoon7504,000
12-13Rope of Climbing1,00010,000
14Rope of Constriction~~1,000
15Rope of Entanglement1,50012,000
16Rug of Smothering~~1,500
17Rug of Welcome (Wizard)6,50045,000
18Saw of Mighty Cutting (Warrior)2,00012,500
19Spade of Colossal Excavation (Warrior)1,0006,500
20DM's Choice~~~~

Miscellaneous Magic: Musical Instruments

1Chime of Interruption2,00020,000
2Chime of Opening3,50020,000
3Chime of Hunger~~~~
4Drums of Deafening~~500
5Drums of Panic6,50035,000
6Harp of Charming5,00025,000
7Harp of Discord~~20,000
8Horn of Blasting1,00055,000
9Horn of Bubbles~~~~
10Horn of Collapsing1,50025,000
11Horn of Fog4004,000
12Horn of Goodness (Evil)7503,250
13Horn of the Tritons (Priest, Warrior)2,00017,500
14Horn of Valhalla1,000*15,000*
15Lyre of Building5,00030,000
16Pipes of Haunting4005,000
17Pipes of Pain~~10,000
18Pipes of Sounding1,00010,000
19Pipes of the Sewers2,0008,500
20DM's Choice~~~~

* Only if used by character of appropriate class.

Miscellaneous Magic: The Weird Stuff (D6)

Subtable A (1-3)

1Apparatus of Kwalish8,00035,000
2-3Boat, Folding10,00025,000
4Bowl Commanding Water Elementals (Wizard)4,00025,000
5Bowl of Watery Death (Wizard)~~1,000
6Censer Controlling Air Elementals (Wizard)4,00025,000
7Censer of Summoning Hostile Air Elementals (Wizard)~~1,000
8-9Crystal Ball (Wizard)1,0005,000
10Crystal Hypnosis Ball (Wizard)~~3,000
11Cube of Force3,00020,000
12-13Cube of Frost Resistance2,00014,000
14Cubic Gate5,00017,500
15Daern's Instant Fortress7,00027,500
16Deck of Illusions1,50015,000
17Deck of Many Things~~10,000
18Eyes of Charming (Wizard)4,00024,000
19Eyes of Minute Seeing2,00012,500
20DM's Choice~~~~

Subtable B 4-6

1Eyes of Petrification~~ or 12,500~~ or 50,000
2Eyes of the Eagle3,50018,000
3-4Figurine of Wondrous Power100*1,000*
?Glowing Globe100200
5Horseshoes of a Zephyr1,5007,500
6-7Horseshoes of Speed2,00010,000
8Iron Bands of Bilarro7505,000
9Lens of Detection2501,500
10Quaal's Feather Token1,0002,000/7,000
11-12Quiver of Ehlonna1,50010,000
13Sheet of Smallness1,50012,500
14Sphere of Annihilation4,00030,000
15Stone Horse2,00012,000
16Well of Many Worlds6,00012,000
17-18Wind Fan5002,500
19Wings of Flying7507,500
20DM's Choice~~~~

* Per Hit Die of the figurine.

Todetermine the magical item found, roll for the type of armor on Table105 and then the magical adjustment on Table 106. If a Special armoris found, roll for the type on Table 107.

As you can see from the title, this Automator workflow allows you to achieve the same purpose, except that in reverse, so you can avoid this message every time you drag to the trash a mounted DMG file.Here are the steps to create it.Step 1: Create a new document in Automator and select Folder Action from the available document types.Step 2: At the top of the right panel, select Other from the dropdown menu. An window will show up with some placeholder code in it.Delete that code and instead copy and paste the following one in the script box:tell application 'Finder'set selectionlist to selectionif (count selectionlist). From the available document types that show up on the dialog box, select Service.Step 2: At the top of the right panel, make sure to choose from the dropdown menus the options ‘no input’ and ‘Finder’ respectively so that the end result is as the one pictured below.Step 3: Next, on the left panel of Automator, search for the Run AppleScript action and drag it to the right panel. Can you delete a dmg file after installing. Delete DMG Files Automatically When You Eject ThemStep 1: Open Automator and choose to create a new document.

Armor Type

Armor AC Standard
GP Value
Base Magic
GP Value
1Banded mail42002,000
3-5Chain mail5751,500
6Field plate22000*
7Full plate14000 - 10,000*
9-12Plate mail36003,000
13Ring mail7100500
14Scale mail61201,000
15-17Shield+11, 3, 7 or 10500
18Splint mail4802,000
19Studded leather720500

* Field Plate and Full Plate are priced on the following table:

Field Plate15,00030,00050,00080,000120,000
Full Plate30,00050,00080,000120,000200,000

Armor Class Adjustment


Special Armors

Armor TypeXP
1-2Armor of Command1,00015,000
3-4Armor of Blending5005000
5-6Armor of Missile Attraction~~*1,500
7-8Armor of Rage~~*2,000
9-10Elven Chain Mail+1,000+5,000
11-12Plate Mail of Etherealness5,00030,000
13-14Plate Mail of Fear4,00035,000
15-16Plate Mail of Vulnerability~~1,500
17-18Shield, Large, +1, +4 vs. Missiles4004,000
19-20Shield -1, Missile Attractor~~750

* No experience points are gained, regardless of the amount ofadditional AC protection the item provides.

Todetermine the type of magical weapon found, roll once on Table 108for a weapon type. Then roll on Table 109 to determine the plus (orminus) of the weapon. If a Special result is rolled, roll on Table110 to determine the exact weapon found. A range of numbers inparentheses is the number of items found.

Weapon Type (D6)

Subtable A (1-2)

1Arrow (4d6)d6/d6
2Arrow (3d6)d6/d6
3Arrow (2d6)d6/d6
6Battle axed8/d8
7Bolt (2d10)d4/d4
8Bolt (2d6)d4+1/d6+1
9Bullet, Slingd4+1/d6+1
13Dart (3d4)d3/d2
15Javelin (1d2)d6/d6
20Special (roll on Table 110)~~

Subtable B (3-6)

1Military Pickd6+1/2d4
2Morning Star2d4/d6+1
3Pole Arm*
20Special (roll on Table 110)~~

* See item description.

Attack Roll Adjustment


* Bows, crossbows, and slings have permanent enchantments and arepriced as melee weapons.

If the max damage for a weapon is below 4, reduce the price by 60%,otherwise, if the max damage is below 6, reduce the price by 30%. Ifthe min damage for a weapon is above 1, increase the price by 25%. Ifthe max damage for a weapon is above 8, increase the price by 35%.

Special Weapons (D10)

Subtable A (1-3)

1Arrow of Direction2,50017,500
2Arrow of Slaying2502,500
3Axe +2, Throwing7504,500
4Axe of Hurling1,500/+*15,000/+
5-6Bow +15003,500
7Crossbow of Accuracy, +32,00012,000
8Crossbow of Distance1,5007,500
9Crossbow of Speed1,5007,500
10-11Dagger +1, +2 vs. Tiny or Small creatures300750
12-13Dagger +2, +3 vs. larger than man-sized3002,000
14Dagger +2, Longtooth3002,500
15Dagger of Throwing150+100/+*1,500+1,000/+
16Dagger of Venom3503,000
17Dart of Homing4504,500
18Hammer +3, Dwarven Thrower1,50015,000
19Hammer of Thunderbolts2,50025,000
20DM's Choice~~~~

* See item description

Subtable B (4-6)

2Javelin of Lightning2503,000
3Javelin of Piercing2503,000
4-5Knife, Buckle100/+*1,000/+*
6-7Mace of Disruption2,00017,500
8Net of Entrapment1,0007,500
9Net of Snaring1,0006,000
10-11Quarterstaff, Magical250/+*1,500/+*
12Scimitar of Speed2,000+500/+*6,000+3,000/+
13-14Sling of Seeking +27007,000
15Spear, Cursed Backbiter~~1,000
16Trident of Fish Command5004,000
17Trident of Submission1,50012,500
18Trident of Warning1,00010,000
19Trident of Yearning~~1,000
20DM's Choice~~~~

* See item description

Subtable C (7-9)

1Sun Blade3,00020,000
2-7Sword +1, +2 vs. magic-using & enchanted creatures6003,000
8-10Sword +1, +3 vs. lycanthropes & shape-changers7003,500
11-12Sword +1, +3 vs. regenerating creatures8004,000
13Sword +1, +4 vs. reptiles8004,000
14-15Sword +1, Cursed~~1,000
16Sword +1, Flame Tongue9004,500
17Sword +1, Luck Blade1,0005,000
18Sword +2, Dragon Slayer9004,500
19Sword +2, Giant Slayer9004,500
20DM's Choice~~~~

Subtable D (10)

1Sword +2, Nine Lives Stealer1,6008,000
2-3Sword +3, Frost Brand1,6008,000
4Sword +4, Defender3,00015,000
5Sword +5, Defender3,60018,000
6Sword +5, Holy Avenger4,00020,000
7-8Sword -2, Cursed~~500
9Sword of Dancing4,40022,000
10Sword of Life Stealing5,00025,000
11Sword of Sharpness7,00035,000
12Sword of the Planes2,00030,000
13Sword of Wounding4,40022,000
14-16Sword, Cursed Berserking~~500
17-18Sword, Short, Quickness (+2)1,00017,500
19Sword, Vorpal Weapon10,00050,000
20DM's Choice~~~~

Dmg Magic Item Tables