5e Dmg Guns

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The ammunition of a firearm is destroyed upon use. Renaissance and modern firearms use bullets. Futuristic firearms are powered by a special type of ammunition called energy cells. An energy cell contains enough power for all the shots its firearm can make. This week on the Campaign Trail we set sail on a journey to hunt down Weapons for a D&D 5e Pirate Campaign Setting. As my seafaring campaign nears its end, I’ve been taking a look back at all the materials I created and collected over the course of the campaign. Your class grants proficiency in certain weapons, reflecting both the class’s focus and the tools you are most likely to use. Whether you favor a longsword or a longbow, your weapon and your ability to wield it effectively can mean the difference between life and death while adventuring. The Weapons table shows the most common weapons used in the fantasy gaming worlds, their price and weight.

Variant Firearms[edit]

5e Dmg Guns 2

Firearms as presented in the Dungeon Master's Guide are very similar to other weapons; however, many believe that they should be entirely different so that they carry the true weight of their potential. This variant attempts to bring risk and reward back into pre-modern firearms.

Firearms under this variant have a few mechanical differences compared to other weapons. The first is that they all have the loading property, except that it takes a number of rounds to reload them as detailed under their individual property, requiring a hand free during the time they are reloaded. A character with proficiency in the firearm knows how to reload and maintain their firearm, but does not automatically know how to fix it should it break from a misfire (see below), while a character without proficiency can generally figure out (or be told) how to shoot a loaded firearm, but does not have the requisite training to reload one, whether not knowing how much gunpowder is needed, or how much force is required to clean the barrel after each shot.

5e Dmg Pdf

Second, each firearm automatically misfires on a natural 1 on attack, after which it requires a full minute to repair using Tinker's Tools (DC 10) before it can be used again. When a firearm misfires, you take damage as though you had been hit by the weapon and rolled minimum damage.

Dmg 1801 highland lombard il. Third, whenever a firearm scores a hit and does damage, if the roll on the die is even, the character may choose to add another die of the same type to the damage dealt (which is not multiplied on a critical hit), though if a 1 is rolled for damage, the weapon misfires and deals no damage whatsoever. The character may continue adding dice of damage as long as they roll an even number, but each time they do, the misfire chance increases by one (two on the second die added, three on the third die added, and so on).

Lastly, proficiency with firearms is entirely under the purview of the DM based on how common they are in the particular setting. In a campaign where virtually everyone has a firearm, they might be simple weapons; in ones where they are rarer, they might be martial, and in campaigns where they are almost unheard of, they might require the Weapon Master feat to gain proficiency.

Firearm Types[edit]

Name Cost Damage Weight Properties
Pistol 750 gp 1d10 3 lbs Firearm (range 20/80), loading (1d2+1 rounds)
Musket 1,000 gp 1d12 10 lbs Firearm (range 30/120), loading (1d3+1 rounds), two-handed

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Identifier5e Variant Rule
SummaryFirearms in the DMG are very similar to crossbows. This attempts to make them more different from other weapons.
TitleVariant Firearms